
A variety of beryl. Strengthens heart, liver, kidneys, immune system,  nervous  system.  Tonic  for  body/mind/spirit.  Aids alignment  of  subtle  bodies.  Enhances  dreams,  meditation, deeper spiritual insight. Represents the potential of divinity within us. Prosperity, love, kindness,  tranquility,  balance, healing, patience. Strong emotional balancer. (4,3)



A  variety  of  chalcedony.  Very  highly  evolved mineral healer.   Energizes   blood.    Aids  kidneys,  lungs,  liver, gallbladder, pancreas.  Aids  tissue  regeneration.  Vitalizes physical/emotional/mental  bodies. Aligns physical and etheric bodies.  Enhances  attunement  with  inner  self.  Facilitates concentration.  Opens  the  heart.  Warming,  social,  joyous. (2,3,4)



*Calms nerves, reduces fluid retention.
*Strengthens kidneys, liver, spleen, thyroid.
*Purifies the body.
*Enhances clarity of mind, aids creative self-expression.
*Physical/emotional/mental balance.
*Helps banish fears and phobias.
*Excellent for mediation. Inspiration, peace, calmness, love.
*Chakras(s): throat, solar plexus.
*March birthstone

Continue reading “*Aquamarine*”

Alpha-lipoic acid

In the 1950s scientists discovered that versatile alpha-lipoic acid (also known as thioctic acid or simply lipoic acid) worked with enzymes throughout the body to speed the processes involved in energy production. More recently, in the late 1980s, researchers found that alpha-lipoic acid can be a powerful antioxidant as well, neutralizing naturally occurring, highly reactive molecules called free radicals that can damage cells. Although the body manufactures it in minute amounts, alpha-lipoic acid is mainly present in foods such as spinach, meats (especially liver), and brewer’s yeast. It’s difficult, however, to obtain therapeutic amounts of this substance through diet alone. Instead, many experts recommend using supplements to get the full benefits of alpha-lipoic acid.

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Angelica: The Herb of Angels by Solstice Moon

Angelica, from seed your beauty weaves,
Strong stems and healing leaves.
I ask your blessings to bestow,
As I nurse and watch you grow.
From morning’s dew through afternoon,
To ray of stars and midnight’s moon.
Michael comes upon this day,
To watch you grow and watch you play.
We call on you for health and hex,
For protection so complex.
Heal thy stomach and thy liver,
Angelica, your gifts deliver.
To break a hex and give protection,
Also used for introspection.
Mother Earth, watch over thee,
As I will, So Mote it Be.
-M.L. Benton Copyright © 2001

Continue reading “Angelica: The Herb of Angels by Solstice Moon”


by Rhiana Moonstar

Chalcedony Qtz. Red, orange, yellow, browns; solid, grounding. For stomach, colon, liver, spleen, kidneys, Xray/radiation.

Moss: Draws new friends. Relieves exhaustion and heals problems with the neck and back. Money & happiness spells. Centering. Bloodsugar, anorexia/food issues, lymphnodes. Balances emotions.

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Stannum metallicum (Tin)

by Anja Heij

Stannum is homoeopathic potentized tin. This metal is associated with Jupiter, the planet of faith, trust and lust for life. Beautiful orange colored Jupiter is the biggest planet of the solar system; in astrology Jupiter is connected with growth, getting bigger, abundance, wellfare and wellbeing, natural healing, recovery, regeneration, positivity, aims and ideals, beliefs, teaching and philosophying (spreading your beliefs in the world) and traveling (extending your points of view). Jupitarian body-parts are the liver, our chemical laboratory, and the tongue, as distinguisher through taste of what our body needs or not, and the enzymes as catalysors of biological processes. All these things support the physical regeneration. Interestingly eating from tin plates and drinking from tin vessels has proven to stimulate the assimilation of food. And the tins in which food is preserved are tinned inside to ensure the preservation of the good taste.

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