Coriander (Cilantro) –

I love this herb! I grew up calling it cilantro but it is known as coriander in the U.K.  Having made my own salsa from fresh ingredients, I will never again eat the stuff from a jar.  And the pungent taste of the fresh chopped cilantro leaves is the main reason.  It’s also delicious in a number of sauces and Chinese dishes.  The seeds are a staple in most herb cabinets although I’ve never really cooked with them.  To be honest, this is not an easy plant to grow.  Or maybe I just have bad luck with them.  All the books say keep the plants in full sun in well-drained soil. 

Continue reading “Coriander (Cilantro) –”


Diana, queen of night,
In all your beauty bright,
Shine on us here,
And with your silver beam
Unlock the gate of dream;
Rise bright and clear.
On earth and sky and sea,
Your magic mystery
Its spell shall cast,
Wherever leaf may grow,
Wherever tide may flow,
Till all be past.
O secret queen of power,
At this enchanted hour
We ask your boon.
May fortune’s favor fall
Upon true witches all,
O Lady Moon!

Hawke by Rhiana Moonstar

Natural green, grey or blue tiger’s eye-like quartz. Helps gain perspective to see/face situations fully. Seeing the overview clearly and unflinchingly, as from a Hawk’s eyes. Stomach and brow chakras. Blue: Deepens meditation. helps us see the truth (self, others, situations) in order to grow.


North-February 1

South-August 1


Imbolc, or the Festival of Brigid, celebrates the growing strength of the God, still in His child form, as well as the return of the Maiden aspect of the Goddess.  As their strength and light grow, we grow with them.  It is a holiday of light and inspiration, a time when our path becomes more fixed, and the seeds that will grow later begin to stir within us.  The Irish celebration of this festival was dedicated to the Goddess Brigid, a triple Goddess who represented inspiration, muse, healing, and the arts.  This holiday also celebrated lambing, and as such the feast of this holiday should contain dairy products if possible.

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Basil – The Herb of Kings by Solstice Moon

Basil, from soil to seed
To strong stems and beautiful leaves.
I ask for blessings to have bestowed
As I nurture and watch you grow.
From mornings dew and sun of afternoon
To rays of the stars and midnights moon
Mother Earth watch over thee
As I my will, So Mote it Be

Continue reading “Basil – The Herb of Kings by Solstice Moon”

Prayer for a First Pregnancy

Each moment you experience this,
you who bring each moment through to its proper time.
This is my first pregnancy, however,
and I lean on you, asking for strength.
During the time of growing, give me strength.
Guide the baby in the way it is to grow,
bring it to health and strength.
During the time of waiting, give me patience,
so that my pregnancy might reach its fulfillment in its proper time.
You are my model, Mater Dea,
and I look to you for help.

Continue reading “Prayer for a First Pregnancy”

Angelica: The Herb of Angels by Solstice Moon

Angelica, from seed your beauty weaves,
Strong stems and healing leaves.
I ask your blessings to bestow,
As I nurse and watch you grow.
From morning’s dew through afternoon,
To ray of stars and midnight’s moon.
Michael comes upon this day,
To watch you grow and watch you play.
We call on you for health and hex,
For protection so complex.
Heal thy stomach and thy liver,
Angelica, your gifts deliver.
To break a hex and give protection,
Also used for introspection.
Mother Earth, watch over thee,
As I will, So Mote it Be.
-M.L. Benton Copyright © 2001

Continue reading “Angelica: The Herb of Angels by Solstice Moon”

For a Few Myths More

by Aries


“…Aries shows us how modern images (albeit set in 19th century America)…” Julia, Web of Wyrd No. 7.

For me, that “albeit” sounded like a gauntlet being slapped down. Can we show the presence of myth in films other than Westerns? We don’t plan to go on in great detail, but we suspect that what we’re trying to get across is the suggestion that maybe “The Mythic” is not the stories or rituals, but the substrate out of which our tales and trials grow.

Continue reading “For a Few Myths More”