North-February 1

South-August 1


Imbolc, or the Festival of Brigid, celebrates the growing strength of the God, still in His child form, as well as the return of the Maiden aspect of the Goddess.  As their strength and light grow, we grow with them.  It is a holiday of light and inspiration, a time when our path becomes more fixed, and the seeds that will grow later begin to stir within us.  The Irish celebration of this festival was dedicated to the Goddess Brigid, a triple Goddess who represented inspiration, muse, healing, and the arts.  This holiday also celebrated lambing, and as such the feast of this holiday should contain dairy products if possible.

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Imbolc (Candlemass)  

The first stirrings of Spring        

1-2 August


Imbolc translates as “in the belly”. This is one of the most subtle sabbats and the only strictly feminine festival.  It is the ‘quickening’ or stirring, the promise of Spring to come, for life once again begins to stir in the barren and sleeping land.

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Imbolc Ritual

My Imbolc Ritual which my Coven will be holding on Sat 2nd August at 5pm SA time (GMT+2).

I write my own rituals, spells, poetry etc, unless otherwise stated. I will post pics of the ritual afterwards, although I may be doing it solitary as most my Coven members can’t make it this weekend.

Prepared for the ritual will be:
A small piece of cloth
A small tray of ashes
A tin of soil and seeds.

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Imbolc, Febuary 2

Imbolic (Celtic): Candlemas, Imbollgc Brigantia (Caledonii), Lupercus (Strega)
February 2
‘Candlemas’ is the Christianized name for the holiday, of course. The older Pagan names were Imbolc and Oimelc. ‘Imbolc’ means, literally, ‘in the belly’ (of the Mother). For in the womb of Mother Earth, hidden from our mundane sight but sensed by a keener vision, there are stirrings. The seed that was planted in her womb at the solstice is quickening and the new year grows.
At the time of Candlemas, the newborn Sun God is seen as a small child nursing from his Mother.

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