Basil – The Herb of Kings by Solstice Moon

Basil, from soil to seed
To strong stems and beautiful leaves.
I ask for blessings to have bestowed
As I nurture and watch you grow.
From mornings dew and sun of afternoon
To rays of the stars and midnights moon
Mother Earth watch over thee
As I my will, So Mote it Be

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Angelica: The Herb of Angels by Solstice Moon

Angelica, from seed your beauty weaves,
Strong stems and healing leaves.
I ask your blessings to bestow,
As I nurse and watch you grow.
From morning’s dew through afternoon,
To ray of stars and midnight’s moon.
Michael comes upon this day,
To watch you grow and watch you play.
We call on you for health and hex,
For protection so complex.
Heal thy stomach and thy liver,
Angelica, your gifts deliver.
To break a hex and give protection,
Also used for introspection.
Mother Earth, watch over thee,
As I will, So Mote it Be.
-M.L. Benton Copyright © 2001

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