
Fig – a small tree to 9m (30ft) with a short trunk, branching fairly close to the ground. The smooth bark of fig is pale grey and the dark green leaves have three to five oval lobes. The familiar pear-shaped fruits ripen from green to dark purple, bursting open to reveal the red inner flesh, later darkening to brown.

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Dyer’s Greenweed

Genista tinctoria
Dyer’s greenweed – perennial broom-like shrub to 60cm(2ft) with erect, stiff branches bearing simple, alternate, spear-shaped leaves. From mid-summer to early autumn, bright yellow, pea-like flowers grow in thick spikes at the ends of the shoots, followed by smooth seed pods that ripen to brown.

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Hydnocarpus kurzii
Reaching a height of 50 to 60 feet, the chaulmoogra tree bears brown, velvety, round fruit and irregular grayish seeds that are angled with blunt ends. Chaulmoogra oil can also come from Tarak-togenos kurzii, an allied species.

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Barosma betulina
Buchu – these woody shrubs grow as tall as six feet, with red – brown or violet – brown bark. Their leathery, lustrous leaves are dotted with oil glands, have jagged margins, and range in color from yellow – green to brown. The flowers are small and star – shaped.

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The summer season
Angel of the night
Element of earth
Rules North quarter of the earth
Seed is in the earth and all is dark
Helps us contemplate the future
The color white and all earth tones
Winter colors: black, brown, gray
Astrological signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn

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Physical properties of obsidian:

Obsidian is a glassy volcanic rock with a high vitreous luster. It often leaves sharp edges when it fractures, and has long been used for tools and weapons. It can be black, gray, brown, or green.

Obsidian has a hardness of 5 to 5 1/2 on the Mohs’ scale, and a specific gravity of 2.30 to 2.60.

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*Colourless, blue, white, grey, yellow, brown, peach, black and brownish-rose.
*Creates incentive to “go for” one’s dreams without restraint.
*Helps friendship, harmony, love and provides insight into relationships.
*Helps release trapped feelings.
*Barite is peach and black.
*It is helpful in rituals and spells designed to clear obstacles in one’s life path.
*Using barite helps to conserve energy, and so is helpful for those who have immune problems or who are excessively anxious or stressed.
*Helps to promote a balanced energy flow in the user.

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