
A  variety  of  chalcedony.  Very  highly  evolved mineral healer.   Energizes   blood.    Aids  kidneys,  lungs,  liver, gallbladder, pancreas.  Aids  tissue  regeneration.  Vitalizes physical/emotional/mental  bodies. Aligns physical and etheric bodies.  Enhances  attunement  with  inner  self.  Facilitates concentration.  Opens  the  heart.  Warming,  social,  joyous. (2,3,4)



 – A blue-violet stone which is a form of chalcedony. Due to its color, avalonite is useful in calming and soothing, aiding meditation and visualization, and promoting a sense of security for the user. Also useful in aiding psychic awareness and delving into the mythical past and collective consciousness.


A  variety  of  chalcedony.  Strengthens  and  oxygenates bloodstream. Enhances  physical/mental  vitality.  Strengthens heart,   spleen,   bone   marrow.   Aids   in   balancing  iron deficiencies.  Reduces   emotional/mental   stress.   Powerful physical  healer. Stimulates movement of kundalini. Links root chakra with  heart.  Inner  guidance,  altruism,  idealism.  A highly evolved mineral.  (1,4)



*Avalonite is a blue/violet stone and a form of chalcedony.
*Due to its colour, avalonite is useful in calming and soothing, aiding meditation and visualization, and promoting a sense of security for the user.
*Avalonite allows you to trust your intuition by letting go of fear, fear of all love related issues, fear of being wrong, or fear of failure thereby paving the way to finding and living your truth and your path.

Continue reading “*Avalonite*”


by Rhiana Moonstar

Chalcedony Qtz. Red, orange, yellow, browns; solid, grounding. For stomach, colon, liver, spleen, kidneys, Xray/radiation.

Moss: Draws new friends. Relieves exhaustion and heals problems with the neck and back. Money & happiness spells. Centering. Bloodsugar, anorexia/food issues, lymphnodes. Balances emotions.

Continue reading “Agate”