Herbal Baths and Soaps

You can enjoy the luxury of bathing with herbs by simply steeping dried herbs in the bathwater. Not only will they make  your bath more fragrant but they can also make it more invigorating or soothing. Virtually any combination of dried leafy fragrant herbs-or any single herb-can be used for an herbal bath. The secret is to tie the herbs in cloth. This keeps them from clinging to your skin and the sides of the tub and from clogging the drain.

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Bach Flower Remedies

Prepared from the flowers of wild plants, bushes, and trees, the Bach Flower Remedies do not directly treat physical disease, but help stabilize the emotional and psychological stresses reflecting the root cause. The stress factors include such things as fear, loneliness, worry, jealousy, and insecurity. Carried to the extreme, these emotions lower the body’s natural resistance to disease. By assisting the integration of emotional, psychological, and physiological patterns, the remedies produce a soothing, calming effect, thereby allowing the body to heal itself.

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*Important balancer, healer.
*Opens Heart (esp. green) Throat & Brow for clarity, overview, seeing additional truths/realities.
*Spleen, bones, teeth, lungs, detox, anxiety, insomnia.
*BLUE: Throat, nose, ears, soothing.
*Karmic impasses resolved, atonement relieved.

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*Chrysocolla AKA gem silica*

*Solid, Lt. Blue/Blue Green.
*Gentle, soothing, friendly.
*Flushes & heals heart blocks for allowing ness, flexibility, self-forgiveness, peace of heart, patience.

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Topaz (Blue):

Tissue regeneration. Strengthens thyroid gland, enhances metabolism.   Emotional  balance.  Cooling,  soothing,  peace, tranquility.  Creativity,  self-expression.  Enhances  psychic perception,  communication  with  Higher  Self/Spirit  Guides. (4,5,6)





Topaz (Blue):

Tissue regeneration. Strengthens thyroid gland, enhances metabolism.   Emotional  balance.  Cooling,  soothing,  peace, tranquility.  Creativity,  self-expression.  Enhances  psychic perception,  communication  with  Higher  Self/Spirit  Guides.   (4,5,6)



 – A blue-violet stone which is a form of chalcedony. Due to its color, avalonite is useful in calming and soothing, aiding meditation and visualization, and promoting a sense of security for the user. Also useful in aiding psychic awareness and delving into the mythical past and collective consciousness.


Fossilized resin from prehistoric pine trees. Exerts positive influence  on  endocrine  system,  spleen,   heart.   Healing, soothing,  harmonizing.  Electrically  alive  with  solidified golden  light.  Stabilizes  kundalini   awakening.   Activates altruistic nature. Spiritualizes the intellect. (2,3,7)



*Avalonite is a blue/violet stone and a form of chalcedony.
*Due to its colour, avalonite is useful in calming and soothing, aiding meditation and visualization, and promoting a sense of security for the user.
*Avalonite allows you to trust your intuition by letting go of fear, fear of all love related issues, fear of being wrong, or fear of failure thereby paving the way to finding and living your truth and your path.

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Fossilized resin from prehistoric pine trees. Exerts positive influence  on  endocrine  system,  spleen,   heart.   Healing, soothing,  harmonizing.  Electrically  alive  with  solidified golden  light.  Stabilizes  kundalini   awakening.   Activates altruistic nature. Spiritualizes the intellect. (2,3,7)