
*Colour: Aqua and white
*Chakra: Thymus
*Aids ability to release emotional grief by expressing it as creativity.
*Opens the connection between the thymus/emotional body and the throat/etheric body.
*Promotes the expression of emotions in order to heal and resolve them.
*Aids concentration, helps in completing projects.
*It’s useful for writers, musicians, dancers and non-verbal artists.
*Aids calcium balance, the parathyroid and thyroid glands.
*Aids alcoholism at a nutritional level.

Healing With Gemstones and Crystals by Diane Stein


Continue reading “*Amazonite*”


*Important balancer, healer.
*Opens Heart (esp. green) Throat & Brow for clarity, overview, seeing additional truths/realities.
*Spleen, bones, teeth, lungs, detox, anxiety, insomnia.
*BLUE: Throat, nose, ears, soothing.
*Karmic impasses resolved, atonement relieved.

Continue reading “*Fluorite*”

* Aventurine, Blue*

*All-around healer.
*Opens and dissolves blocks in the brow center.
*Career, relationships, future foundations.
*Increases visionary powers and perceptions.
*Good for reducing or eliminating negative emotions.

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