4 Ways to Heal Using Divine Energy

This article was written by Douglas De Long
posted under Health & Healing

The Gospels of the New Testament, written records, mention several women as being associated with Jesus. Along with Mother Mary, there was Mary Magdalene. She worked as an energy healer and herbalist. She was not a prostitute as the Gospels wrongly portrayed her. She was closely associated with Jesus, who trained her in the ancient mysteries. Mary Magdalene used her secret knowledge and gifts and became a wonderful healer.

Continue reading “4 Ways to Heal Using Divine Energy”


Aids central nervous system, thyroid gland, body reflexes, pituitary gland,  pancreas.   Strengthens  immunity.  Improves memory. Eases physical/emotional trauma. Reduces stress, calms mind.  Alighns  root  and heart chakras for bringing love into action and  manifestation  (red/black  variety).  Self-esteem, confidence.  Enhances energy levels in body mind. Pink variety (no black)  helps  impart  understanding  of  strength  within vulnerability.   Great  stone  for  light-workers  serving  in cities.  (1,4)



A  variety of quartz. Balances neurotic patterns. Eases depression   and   sexual   imbalance.   Fertility.   Calming, balancing, healing for physical/emotional/mental bodies. Helps one  see  clearly  into  personal  problems.  Brings out inner  talents. Lightheartedness, joy. (4)







A  variety  of  chalcedony.  Very  highly  evolved mineral healer.   Energizes   blood.    Aids  kidneys,  lungs,  liver, gallbladder, pancreas.  Aids  tissue  regeneration.  Vitalizes physical/emotional/mental  bodies. Aligns physical and etheric bodies.  Enhances  attunement  with  inner  self.  Facilitates concentration.  Opens  the  heart.  Warming,  social,  joyous. (2,3,4)



A  variety  of  chalcedony.  Strengthens  and  oxygenates bloodstream. Enhances  physical/mental  vitality.  Strengthens heart,   spleen,   bone   marrow.   Aids   in   balancing  iron deficiencies.  Reduces   emotional/mental   stress.   Powerful physical  healer. Stimulates movement of kundalini. Links root chakra with  heart.  Inner  guidance,  altruism,  idealism.  A highly evolved mineral.  (1,4)


Suggestions for Exercises – Tarot Lesson 12

Exercise 12.1 – Arcana Cards in the Celtic Cross

Layout One: All cards are minor except the outcome (Position 10). This situation is a temporary personal drama, but its impact will be powerful and significant in some way. (See Jill’s first reading.)

Layout Two: The only major arcana card is in the Past (Position 4). The circumstances of the moment are the result of some major event from the past, or what was once of major significance is now fading.

Continue reading “Suggestions for Exercises – Tarot Lesson 12”