A Spirit-Summoning Spell

To create an incense portal for summoning the ancestor spirits from the otherworld, you will need an altar complete with pictures and items to honor them.

In a strongly protected circle, place lavender, cinnamon, and wormwood on the coals.

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The Bwbachod, Bwca, or Bwbach is a Welsh household spirit. In many ways, it is like a brownie, performing tasks when appreciated, but becoming mischievous and destructive when offended (and are easily offended). Bwbachods detest non-drinkers and ministers of the church.




Agathos Daimon (good demon)

God of fortune. Greco-Roman. Known locally from Alexandria and depicted in the form of a snake. May have originated as an androgynous fertility spirit, but later becomes identified as the consort of Agathe Tyche (see TYCHE). Libations were made regularly to this deity after meals and he was regarded as a friendly household guardian.



Animistic fertility spirit. Australasia. Known to tribesmen on the Pennefather River, Queensland, Australia and believed to place mud babies in the wombs of pregnant women. The grandmother of a newly born infant buried the afterbirth, which was collected by Anjea and kept in a hollow tree or some such sanctuary until the time came to instill it into another child in the womb.



Maternal spirit. Yakut [central Siberia]. The deity who oversees the lying-in of an expectant mother and who brings the child’s soul to the child-bed. The term ajysyt can also apply to a male spirit, thus the ajysyt that oversees the birth of horses is male, while that of horned cattle is female.

Out Of Body Experience

We are limited on the physical world, we are somewhat trapped inside our bodies. There is still a part of us that can go beyond these limits and thus travel outside the body.
There are three types of traveling out of the body. An out of body experience or astral travel is when the “spirit” exits the body, still connected to the body, and then returns to the body after a short while. The spirit is still connected to the body by what some say is a “silver cord” attached to the body and to the spirit. This would explain why the body doesn’t die when the spirit travels outside.

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by Cyril Korolev

In Russian folklore a domovoy is a household spirit, also called “the grandfather” and “the master”. He looks like a tiny old man whose face is covered with white fur, or as a double of the head of a house. There is a legend on the origin of the domovye (plural): when the evil host had been thrown out of the sky, some malicious spirits fell into human habitats. Living near the mortals those spirits became soft and friendly in time – so to say, transformed into a kind of mischievous helpers.

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A good general healer for all illnesses and excellent conductor (high copper). This gentle, cool, soothing stone is a Native American classic. It opens the Throat Chakra, for open communication, creativity, serenity, spiritual bonding, upliftment; Opens the Heart Chakra for giving/receiving. Symbolizes our source spirit/sky) and spiritual love for healing, help. On brow: Psychic connection to Great Spirit. Strengthens and aligns all meridians, chakras, and energy fields.

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