
MEDICINAL: Fenugreek is used to soften and expel mucous. It has antiseptic properties and will kill infections in the lungs. Used with lemon and honey, it will help reduce a fever and will soothe and nourish the body during illness. It has been used to relax the uterus, and for this reason should not be taken by pregnant women.

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CINQUEFOIL: (Pontentilla reptans)

Also called Five Fingered Grass, Creeping cinquefoil, and Five Leaved Grass. The rootstock was cooked as a vegetable by the Celts and Native Americans. Applied to sore areas, the fresh plant relieves pain. A root decoction is used in anti-wrinkle creams. A wash reduces skin redness, freckles, and sunburn. The powdered root and leaf are used to stop internal hemorrhaging. The powder also makes an astringent  for mouth sores and treats diarrhea. Taken with honey, it relieves sore throats, coughs, and fever. Take one-quarter to one-half teaspoon at a time, or twenty to forty drops of the tincture. The leaves can be steeped using two teaspoons per cup of water for twenty minutes, or one ounce of the root can be simmered in one and a half cups of water for twenty minutes. The dose is a quarter cup four times a day.

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A bee consumes between 6 and 10 pounds of honey for each pound of wax that is secreted in small flakes from glands on the underside of the abdomen. The beeswax is used in the construction of honeycomb, which serves as a nursery to contain the brood and to store honey. Honeycomb is considered a delicacy by some and preferred to chewing regular gum. Continue reading “Beeswax”


Goddess of health. Greek. The daughter of ASKLEPIOS, the physician god of healing. Hygieia was also a remedial drink made from wheat, oil and honey. She is depicted as Hygieia-Salus in a marble group sculpture in the Vatican, with Asclepius (the Roman god of healing) and the snake, which she is touching.


Gallons: 5
13 pounds fresh, raw alfalfa or clover honey
2 pounds fresh, raw wildflower (or other dark) honey
7 pounds fresh frozen or fresh apricots, crushed
2 pounds fresh frozen or fresh apricots, crushed (in secondary)
2 teaspoons Great Fermentations of Santa Rosa mead yeast nutrient (made up to Roger Morse’s formula in the book Making Mead)
2 packets Champagne Yeast (dry or liquid)

Continue reading “MEDIUM APRICOT MEAD”


Gallons: 1.5
6 lb. honey. (I used honey from a beekeeper that put his hives under apple trees)
1.5 gallons water
2 pinches Woodruff (Added when cool)
6 seeds Grains of Paradise crushed (Added after boil)
1 packet Cote De Blanc with 1.5 tsp yeast nutrient.

Continue reading “PRE-MEDITATIVE MEAD”


2.5 lb extra light dry malt extract
1.5 lb light honey
1 oz Cascade hops (.25 oz for 60 mins, .25 oz for 30 mins, .5 oz for steeping)
1 tsp Irish Moss for last 15 mins.
1 tsp gypsum
Wyeast 1056 American Ale
¾ cup corn sugar for priming