Gallons: 5
13 pounds fresh, raw alfalfa or clover honey
2 pounds fresh, raw wildflower (or other dark) honey
7 pounds fresh frozen or fresh apricots, crushed
2 pounds fresh frozen or fresh apricots, crushed (in secondary)
2 teaspoons Great Fermentations of Santa Rosa mead yeast nutrient (made up to Roger Morse’s formula in the book Making Mead)
2 packets Champagne Yeast (dry or liquid)

Continue reading “MEDIUM APRICOT MEAD”


Gallons: 1.5
6 lb. honey. (I used honey from a beekeeper that put his hives under apple trees)
1.5 gallons water
2 pinches Woodruff (Added when cool)
6 seeds Grains of Paradise crushed (Added after boil)
1 packet Cote De Blanc with 1.5 tsp yeast nutrient.

Continue reading “PRE-MEDITATIVE MEAD”


Wales is symbolized by a red dragon. In the Mabinogion the tale of Lludd and Llewelys speaks of the struggle between this red dragon and the white dragon. It was long ago in the days of the Saxon invasions that this story takes place and it is no wonder that the white dragon is the invader, the Saxons, come to battle the red. As the symbolic struggle comes to a close, the two opposing dragons become drunk with mead. It is in this drunken state that they are both buried in a large stone coffin and placed to rest in the center of the island of Britain. The story goes that so long as the pair remain buried beneath Oxford the island will be protected from invasion.

Continue reading “THE WELSH DRAGONS”