Enochian Magick Techniques by Gerald and Betty Scheuler

The two main techniques used in Enochian Magick are skrying and travel in the Body of Light, which is also called travel in the Spirit Vision. However, before these are to be used in a magickal operation, one must first  draw a magic circle in which to work.

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My crystal is golden yellow & brown striped

LEGEND and LORE: The various “eye” stones have always been considered strong talismans. It was believed that a person possessing one could see everything, even behind closed doors. Egyptians carved it into god figurines, to represent divine vision.

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– Draws out impurities on all levels, balances L & R brain functions, mental illness, co-ordination and vision, radiation eliminator, evil eye protector, all purpose healer, especially in solar plexus & good for healers.

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Desert Rose by Rhiana Moonstar

A gypsum. Lt. brown. Gently grounding; clarifies thinking and mental vision, perception. Quiets worry, brings out practicality. (Related to Selenite) The spirit of these Selenite clusters send the message to stop, take time for self, smell the roses, find beauty in the day, and to enjoy every precious moment. You are reminded of the Divine in everything and everyone. The spirit here assists you in that joyous feeling of being connected.

*Apache Tears*

*Small, dark, smoky-translucent, obsidian pebbles.
*Eases & releases pain, loss, sadness, anger, etc. to help heal and go on with life.
*For looking within, protection, vision, quest / purpose.
*Gently grounds & unlocks lower body & endocrine glands/chakras.
*Aids healing.
*Represents tears of grief shed by Native American women after their loved ones’ deaths due to invading troops.
*Set in silver worn as a powerful protective amulet against all negative influences.
*Chakra: Brow

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Zeaxanthin is an antioxidant carotenoid that may help prevent a leading cause of blindness among older people: macular degeneration.
The macula is a tiny dimple on the retina that is responsible for fine vision. Damage to the macula can cause blurry vision, or a dark spot in the field of vision. It can eventually lead to a loss of central vision, which can make it impossible to read, drive, or operate a computer. There is no cure for macular degeneration, but in some cases surgery may help to slow its progress. Free radical damage from ultraviolet radiation is believed to be a contributing factor, if not the cause, of macular degeneration. In fact, studies have shown lower than normal blood levels of protective antioxidants in people who develop macular degeneration.

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Imbolc, Febuary 2

Imbolic (Celtic): Candlemas, Imbollgc Brigantia (Caledonii), Lupercus (Strega)
February 2
‘Candlemas’ is the Christianized name for the holiday, of course. The older Pagan names were Imbolc and Oimelc. ‘Imbolc’ means, literally, ‘in the belly’ (of the Mother). For in the womb of Mother Earth, hidden from our mundane sight but sensed by a keener vision, there are stirrings. The seed that was planted in her womb at the solstice is quickening and the new year grows.
At the time of Candlemas, the newborn Sun God is seen as a small child nursing from his Mother.

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Willow – (Salix Alba)

White willow, Tree of Enchantment, witches aspirin, moon tree, sacred to the Goddess, the letter S in the Tree Alphabet, night vision, lunar rhythms, female aspects, wands are used for moon magic, all parts of the tree ward against evil and may be carried or placed in the home for this purpose. Knock on willow tree (knock on wood) to avert evil. Leaves, bark and wood are used in healing spells, magical brooms, especially Witches brooms, are traditionally bounds with willow branches. Groves of willows were considered so magical that priests, priestesses and all types of artisans sat among these trees to gain eloquence, inspiration, skills and prophecies.

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The Path of the Shaman Then and Now

by Amber Wolfe

I recently heard a wonderfully simple definition of the word shaman .
It was: “A shaman is one who helps people in their dealings with the other worlds.”
These other worlds are the realms above, beyond, and deep within the experiences of our lives. These are the realms of spiritual, psychic vision and of pure, natural Earth energies. In shamanism, these worlds were traditionally represented as the upper world of the sky, or spirit levels, and the lower worlds of Earth and Nature. Humankind, along with all its symbols and traditions, was the middle world. Because of their abilities to alter their states of consciousness, the shamans were able to explore these worlds and bring back vision.

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