
Gentiana amarella
Gentian is a biannual that produces a rosette of leaves in the first year. Then in the second year a short flowering stalk (10-20cm) with small, purple, trumpet flowers appears. There are five petal-lobes with a white fringe at the throat, The leaves are lanceolate and clasp the stem. Flowers grow from the axil on a short stalk. Gentian flowers only in autumn, it is purple/violet but not blue, nor spotted. The Chiltern gentian (G. Germanica) is similar but with rather larger flowers.

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Fumaria officinalis
Fumitory – an annual herb growing up to 30 inches tall with slender stems and many limp branches. The gray-green leaves are divided into triangular toothed leaflets. At the ends of the branches bloom elongated clusters of small, tubular, pink-purple, crimson-tipped flowers (May-September).

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 BLACKTHORN: (Prunus spinosa)

Also know as Sloe, Mother of the Wood, or Wishing Thorn. This tree has small, serrated, oval leaves on dark, thorny branches with purple blooms and black fruit. The leaves yield a mouthwash. The astringent fruits make Sloe gin. Traditionally, the wood was used to make clubs.

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Also called Elf Leaf;

Nard; Nardus; Spike. There are 28 species of these aromatic, evergreen, shrubby, perennials, all with small, linear leaves and spikes of fragrant, usually purple or blue, two-lipped flowers. The best-quality essential oil is from L. stoechas and L. angustifolia. Aromatic oil glands cover all aerial parts of the plants but are most concentrated in the flowers. The flowers flavor jams, vinegar, sweets, cream, and Provençal stews, and are crystallized for decoration. Dried flowers add long-lasting fragrance to sachets and potpourri. Flower water is a skin toner useful for speeding cell renewal and is an antiseptic for acne.

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What is Damiana?

Scientific and medicinal info
Damiana is a low-growing plant that loves dry soil and plenty of rocks. It’s native to Mexico, Central and South America. The flowers are yellow and small, and damiana bears a small sweet-smelling fruit as well. It’s used as an herbal remedy to enhance sexual performance, as well as a very long list of other physical ailments.
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Catha edulis
Chat – tree growing to 50 ft (15 m). Chat has reddish twigs, oval leathery leaves, and small yellow or white flowers.
From the air, the upland hills of Ethiopia’s Harar Province look like an immense, carpeted staircase to the sky. Closer inspection reveals the textured carpet that covers the vast steps to be made up of undulating rows of small, leafy trees. In bloom, the trees’ little white flowers seem to dust the landscape like a light snowfall. But this is not the reason that the African evergreen has sometimes been called the flower of paradise. It has earned the idyllic name by virtue of the effect its leaves have on people.

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Veronica beccabunga
Brooklime – semi-aquatic perennial with succulent, hollow, creeping stems that root at intervals and sometimes float in the water. The leaves of brooklime are opposite, shiny green, and oblong with rounded ends. Thick and fleshy in texture, the leaves have slightly toothed margins. Numerous small, bright blue and white flowers on short stems flower during the whole of the summer months.

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Galium aparine
Cleavers is an annual plant found in moist or grassy places and along river banks and fences in Canada, the eastern half of the U.S., and the Pacific Coast. A slender taproot produces the weak, square, procumbent or climbing, prickly stem that grows 2-6 feet in length. The rough, oblong-lanceo-late-to-aimost-linear leaves occur in whorls of six to eight around the stem. The small, white or greenish-white flowers appear from May to September. The plant exudes a strong, honey-like odor and is best gathered in July.

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* Bearberry Leaves *

Magical uses: Use in amulets for animal magic, animal shapshifting. Burn like sage leaves to honor Celtic Gods & Goddess. Burn with meditation incense to heighten one’s psychic powers. Sprinkle powder leaves on shoes to take you to your true love. Wonderful little leaves for spellcrafting in candles, around candles on altar.These small, sturdy, elongated leaves are up to approximately 1″ long.


These are trooping faeries who are small, skinny and always nude. They are all partially or totally blind and spend their time trooping together. If you encounter the Callicantzaroi, identify yourself as a friend and offer them some pork, as this is their favorite food. Their associated element is Earth.