Pagan Ritual for Basic Use

(by Ed Fitch)

A circle should be marked on the floor, surrounding those who will participate in the ceremony. An altar is to be set up at the centre of the circle. At the centre of the altar shall be placed an image of the Goddess, and an incense burner placed in front of it. Behind the image should be a wand fashioned from a willow branch. Candles should be set upon the altar … a total of five, since on is to be set at each quarter and one will remain on the altar during the rite.

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Dedication of Altar and Athame

Dedication of Altar and Athame

Durwydd MacTara (1990)


This Altar in the circle’s centre,
A focal point that only good may enter.

Erected to God and Goddess in strength,
Circular, it has neither breadth nor length.

Focal point in A Circle of Power,
A mighty lens for every Tower!

Sacred to Lord, Maiden, Lady and Crone,
The foundation of many a powerful Cone!

Resting Place of Magick and its implements,
Let veneration and Love be our only sentiments!

A tool of will, powerful and free,
As it is willed, So Mote it Be!


Mighty Deities, Gracious Lady and Mighty Lord,
As I perform this ritual, Pray hearken to my word.

This tool, conceived in Mind of Air, (point east)
Forged and formed in Fire of the South, (point south)
Power tool for those who dare,
I CLAIM thee with my mouth! (kiss blade)

Tempered with Water for Strength, (point west)
Also dedicated to the Earth, in Power. (point north)
Blessed be, entire in length, (kiss pommel)
As it partakes of every Tower!

By the Power of Cosmos, As above, (point up)
The Expression of Cosmos, is below. (point down)
Upon this instrument of Will and Love,
My Sacred Tie I bestow! (1 drop of blood on each side and hilt)

This tool is dedicated to my service of Lady and Lord,
Please find this work beneficial and good.
Bound to thee by homage, decimation, effort and word,
Bound to me by words, will and blood.

By the powers of earth, sky, star and sea;
Such is my will, So mote it be!

Ostara Sabbat Ritual by Rhiana Moonstar

This Sabbat recognizes the start of spring, and celebrates the Goddess, once again in her maiden aspect.
This Sabbat is a time for fertility rituals, and the cutting of spring’s first blossoms. The altar and the circle should be decorated with a variety of fresh flowers. Set up the altar with your usual tools, including a green potted plant, and the cauldron placed somewhere in the circle. The cauldron may be filled with fresh water and floating flowers. Light the altar candles and the incense, and cast the sacred circle. Invoke the God and the Goddess. Kneel before the altar, facing East, and gaze at the plant. Recognize it not only as a plant, but as a symbol of the awakening earth. Say:

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Mid Summer Sabbat Ritual by Rhiana Moonstar

This Sabbat celebrates the Goddess. She is now with child, as is nature with the bounty of the coming harvest. This is a time when energies abound, & is a good time for magick/purification rites. The altar can be decorated with summer herbs, greenery, & flowers. The cup should be filled with milk. If you have made a protective amulet previous to the ritual, you will want to place this on the altar. Before the ritual begins, make a small pouch out of white cloth and fill it with any combination of midsummer herbs that you wish & be sure to add them in threes. Tie pouch with red string & place it on the altar. The altar cloth & candles should be white.

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* Bearberry Leaves *

Magical uses: Use in amulets for animal magic, animal shapshifting. Burn like sage leaves to honor Celtic Gods & Goddess. Burn with meditation incense to heighten one’s psychic powers. Sprinkle powder leaves on shoes to take you to your true love. Wonderful little leaves for spellcrafting in candles, around candles on altar.These small, sturdy, elongated leaves are up to approximately 1″ long.

Devotion to the Elements

(from Silver Ravenwolf’s “To Ride a Silver Broomstick” p. 16-17)

This is an excellent devotion for outside, but can be done inside, if you have something to represent the four elements on a dresser top, your altar, etc. Get dressed properly for the weather (of course) and step outside.

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*Black Opal Charm*

*The black opal is widely known as the “Witches Stone” and is prized for its magic enhancing properties.
*To increase your magickal power, charge the stone with the following chant and place it on your altar.
“Opal black, of burning fire
Add the power that’s required
To make my magic hit its mark,
By light of day, or night so dark.”

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— Excellent for use in rituals for enhancing your beauty and attractiveness. Helps to attract love and stimulates happiness and pleasure. Amber is used as both a good luck and protective amulet, and is extremely protective against negative magick which has been directed against you. When placed on the altar, it can increase the effectiveness of your spells. Amber is said to increase strength while relieving or curing health conditions. Amber is also very useful in protecting children.

Altars (misc. Thoughts)  

Chris Olmstead


As for Altar set ups…

1.  I once read Crowley’s remarks on how he contrived his stuff while he was out wandering the world or climbing mountains.  He found ways to just use the simple things from his kit…cook knife became Athame, tin cup became the Cup…etc.This sort of ‘kitchen witch’ working is accepted by lots of folks.  You can set an altar up and take it down as fast as you can set a table.

2.  I also have noted the “Porto-Pagan” set-ups at some of the Pagan Fests I’ve attended.  Carry the stuff in a cardboard box that can be up-ended for an altar, or even placed on it’s side for a rain-proof ‘shrine’.

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