Clover (Trifolium spp.):

 Mercury. Associated with the Triple Goddess. Used inrituals for beauty and youth. Four-leafed clovers are carried to see fairies, heal illness, avoid military service, avoid madness, and as a general good-luck charm. To dream of clover is considered very fortunate, especially for young people.

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*Black Opal Charm*

*The black opal is widely known as the “Witches Stone” and is prized for its magic enhancing properties.
*To increase your magickal power, charge the stone with the following chant and place it on your altar.
“Opal black, of burning fire
Add the power that’s required
To make my magic hit its mark,
By light of day, or night so dark.”

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Celtic Workshop #10 – The Act of “Becoming” and The Charm of “Summoning”

How to actually influence your surroundings. How to perform Weather Magick, to call animals to you, to improve your crops and to influence the outcome of events. How to discover your past life, find your Inner Teacher or Self and how to summon “Spirits” to your presence. Our Cyber Tuatha gathered upon the moors and among the raths once more. This night was a night of Magick and the Power of the Moon Goddess in her full glory. We engaged in some prelimenary greetings and then the presentation begain …..

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The Animals of Astrology

The Rat The Rat is the symbol of charm

You’re found at a great number of social gatherings and parties, constantly surrounded by people. You love to take centre stage and your sense of humour wins many fans. Since you’re often accused of interfering, take care not to become too involved in the lives of others. Money is very important to you; you love to spend, although you live in fear that you won’t have enough. Despite the fact that you’re outgoing and don’t like solitude, you’ve been known to keep your feelings to yourself. You’re very creative and imaginative, yet you don’t always have the confidence to promote your ideas.

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