The Gaia Hypothesis


Some people think of our ideas as superstition and believe that we are just plain wrong.

A myth is a truth expressed in a symbolic or poetic way. Mythology is not meant to be literally true; it is a way of expressing and teaching important ideas.

One scientific model of reality owes much to the older. This is the Gaia Hypothesis.

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Natural Element Corrispondence

Direction : East
Rules : The mind, knowledge, abstract learning, theory, imagination, ideas, beliefs, beginnings, rebirth
Elemental : Sprites
Time : Dawn
Season : Spring
Colors : Yellow, white, pastels
Tools : Athame, sword, censor
Zodiac : Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Animals : Birds, Gryphons
Places : Windswept hills, high mountain peaks, towers

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The Animals of Astrology

The Rat The Rat is the symbol of charm

You’re found at a great number of social gatherings and parties, constantly surrounded by people. You love to take centre stage and your sense of humour wins many fans. Since you’re often accused of interfering, take care not to become too involved in the lives of others. Money is very important to you; you love to spend, although you live in fear that you won’t have enough. Despite the fact that you’re outgoing and don’t like solitude, you’ve been known to keep your feelings to yourself. You’re very creative and imaginative, yet you don’t always have the confidence to promote your ideas.

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Reiki for free?

by Anja Heij

“I always thought one had to be given the ability to use reiki, I was made a 1st degree and always wondered how to get my second…any ideas?”
In other words: any volunteers to give me the attunement second degree for free? Yes, they are out there, try a search-engine.

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by Baphomet (Aleister Crowley)



Of Ararat

The supreme secret of the O.T.O. is written in detail in the Book called Agape and is also written plainly in Liber CCCXXXIII, Cap. XXXVI. But now also do We think it fitting to add Our own comment to this book Agape which We wrote in Our own words for the proper setting-forth of this Secret taught Us at Our Initiation to the IX by the O.H.O. And this Book has received His official approbation in every word thereof.
But in this comment do We not set forth the Secret itself (rather on the contrary guarding it by certain subtilties even from the conjecture of the unworthy) but only Our own ideas as to its right use, with other matters germane, thinking that those into whose hands it may come may thereby understand more fully the utter importance of this Secret as having been the Pivot of Our working for so long a period, and further that it may aid such persons to attain perfectly the mastery of this Holy and Imperial Art.

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