Dedication of Altar and Athame

Dedication of Altar and Athame

Durwydd MacTara (1990)


This Altar in the circle’s centre,
A focal point that only good may enter.

Erected to God and Goddess in strength,
Circular, it has neither breadth nor length.

Focal point in A Circle of Power,
A mighty lens for every Tower!

Sacred to Lord, Maiden, Lady and Crone,
The foundation of many a powerful Cone!

Resting Place of Magick and its implements,
Let veneration and Love be our only sentiments!

A tool of will, powerful and free,
As it is willed, So Mote it Be!


Mighty Deities, Gracious Lady and Mighty Lord,
As I perform this ritual, Pray hearken to my word.

This tool, conceived in Mind of Air, (point east)
Forged and formed in Fire of the South, (point south)
Power tool for those who dare,
I CLAIM thee with my mouth! (kiss blade)

Tempered with Water for Strength, (point west)
Also dedicated to the Earth, in Power. (point north)
Blessed be, entire in length, (kiss pommel)
As it partakes of every Tower!

By the Power of Cosmos, As above, (point up)
The Expression of Cosmos, is below. (point down)
Upon this instrument of Will and Love,
My Sacred Tie I bestow! (1 drop of blood on each side and hilt)

This tool is dedicated to my service of Lady and Lord,
Please find this work beneficial and good.
Bound to thee by homage, decimation, effort and word,
Bound to me by words, will and blood.

By the powers of earth, sky, star and sea;
Such is my will, So mote it be!

Altars (misc. Thoughts)  

Chris Olmstead


As for Altar set ups…

1.  I once read Crowley’s remarks on how he contrived his stuff while he was out wandering the world or climbing mountains.  He found ways to just use the simple things from his kit…cook knife became Athame, tin cup became the Cup…etc.This sort of ‘kitchen witch’ working is accepted by lots of folks.  You can set an altar up and take it down as fast as you can set a table.

2.  I also have noted the “Porto-Pagan” set-ups at some of the Pagan Fests I’ve attended.  Carry the stuff in a cardboard box that can be up-ended for an altar, or even placed on it’s side for a rain-proof ‘shrine’.

Continue reading “Altars (misc. Thoughts)  “

Natural Element Corrispondence

Direction : East
Rules : The mind, knowledge, abstract learning, theory, imagination, ideas, beliefs, beginnings, rebirth
Elemental : Sprites
Time : Dawn
Season : Spring
Colors : Yellow, white, pastels
Tools : Athame, sword, censor
Zodiac : Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Animals : Birds, Gryphons
Places : Windswept hills, high mountain peaks, towers

Continue reading “Natural Element Corrispondence”