Dioptase by Rhiana Moonstar

Tiny deep blue-green silicate crystals. Its powerful green reaches deep into the heart chakra to release and heal sadness, heartache, abuse, neglect. Converts loss (recent/childhood) into self-love. Empowers heart with new depth, strength, healthiness, courage, ability to love deeply, unconditionally. Connects emotional heart with spiritual heart to receive abundance. Promotes genuineness, sincerity, emotional balance, self-worth, deep well-being. Central Nervous System, lungs, heart, blood pressure, stress. Can send healing deep into the earth.

*Apache Tears*

*Small, dark, smoky-translucent, obsidian pebbles.
*Eases & releases pain, loss, sadness, anger, etc. to help heal and go on with life.
*For looking within, protection, vision, quest / purpose.
*Gently grounds & unlocks lower body & endocrine glands/chakras.
*Aids healing.
*Represents tears of grief shed by Native American women after their loved ones’ deaths due to invading troops.
*Set in silver worn as a powerful protective amulet against all negative influences.
*Chakra: Brow

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North-September 21

South-March 21


The Fall Equinox, or Mabon, is celebrated as the final harvest of the season. This holiday was pivotal in ancient times, since a good final harvest was crucial to surviving the winter months ahead. This is the time of year where we truly reap what we have sown and we prepare for the long winter that lays before us. The day and night are again equal in time and the God has traveled at last to His place of rest. Now, He has sacrificed the last of Himself to provide us with a final harvest of food before the winter begins. Celebrants gather to mark the turning of the wheel and to give thanks for the ultimate sacrifice of The God, recognizing that He will be reborn at Yule. This holiday has been called “The Witches’ Thanksgiving” and is a time for feasting together with family and friends. This is also the time to welcome the season of the Crone. Kore’ goes to the Underworld to learn the secrets of the Crone (or in some stories she is kidnapped by Hades), and the earth is bare as Her mother, Demeter, mourns Her loss. But although the winter is before us, we know that the wheel will turn again, life will be reborn, and our blessings are bountiful.

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