
Erythroxylum catuaba
The tree known as the catuaba is a South American species of tree that grows in rain forests. This tree grows in the rain forests of Brazil and belongs to the same plant family as the famous coca plant – cocaine is an extracted from this plant. However, catuaba does not have the narcotic alkaloids that are present in the coca plant. Traditionally, the catuaba bark has been utilized in herbal medicine by the natives of Brazilian rain forests. A different tree, botanically known as the Erythroxylum catuaba is also found growing in the rain forests of South America. This vigorous and hardy small tree bears yellow and orange colored flowers and when in season, it also bears small oval shaped, dark yellow colored and inedible fruits.

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Mabon Sabbat Ritual by Rhiana Moonstar

This is the second harvest Sabbat. The Goddess is entering into cronehood, and the dark of the year is beginning, so this is a time often associated with mysterious lore and wisdom. The altar and circle should be decorated with autumn leaves, gourds, berries, pine and cypress cones, acorns, oak sprigs and other fruits of the season. New willow staves and wands were traditionally consecrated or empowered on this day. You should also have a small basket filled with a variety of autumn leaves. The altar cloth shall be brown, and the altar candles shall be red. Cast circle & pick up the basket of leaves and hold it in both hands. Spill the leaves slowly so that they cascade down to the ground within the circle as you say these words:

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Element of water
The winter season
The potency of God
Favorite day: Monday
Presides over paradise
Invoked towards the west
Love is her great force factor
Rules west quarter of the earth
The colors of emerald and sea green

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The summer season
Angel of the night
Element of earth
Rules North quarter of the earth
Seed is in the earth and all is dark
Helps us contemplate the future
The color white and all earth tones
Winter colors: black, brown, gray
Astrological signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn

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A Rite of Passage

by Rev. Cheryl Sulyma-Masson

A Memorial Service
With the coming of Samhain, my thoughts often turn to those friends, family members, and pets who have crossed the bridge and no longer walk this earth plane with me. During this season, I once again take comfort in their companionship and love as I invite them to join in my rites. These things often lead my thoughts to ponder my own mortality. As a Witch, I have definite beliefs as to how my own transition should be. I shudder at the thought that non-sympathetic family members may be left to plan for this transition time without regards to my desires . Even well meaning friends and family members, without sincere knowledge of my ways, may be left uncertain of how to best fulfill my desires.

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Mysts of Annwfn
Book of Shadows
The following ritual calls for the participation of eight people, and is best performed at a large gathering. The participants include: The Maiden Goddess, the Young Lord, the High Priestess, the High Priest, and the four Watchtowers.
Specific items needed for this ritual are: a Crystal Ball, a cross of rushes, a mat, a basket, a phallic wand, a sprig of evergreen, pieces of paper, cakes, wine, and basic Altar and ritual equipment. All participants shall write upon the paper things and qualities they wish to gain during the coming season, and then place them in the basket prior to ritual.
Candlemas is the festival of the Flame, and is best performed at night. This is Brighid’s celebration. Winter is bade farewell, and as Spring approaches, it’s a time to think of love.
* * * * *

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North-September 21

South-March 21


The Fall Equinox, or Mabon, is celebrated as the final harvest of the season. This holiday was pivotal in ancient times, since a good final harvest was crucial to surviving the winter months ahead. This is the time of year where we truly reap what we have sown and we prepare for the long winter that lays before us. The day and night are again equal in time and the God has traveled at last to His place of rest. Now, He has sacrificed the last of Himself to provide us with a final harvest of food before the winter begins. Celebrants gather to mark the turning of the wheel and to give thanks for the ultimate sacrifice of The God, recognizing that He will be reborn at Yule. This holiday has been called “The Witches’ Thanksgiving” and is a time for feasting together with family and friends. This is also the time to welcome the season of the Crone. Kore’ goes to the Underworld to learn the secrets of the Crone (or in some stories she is kidnapped by Hades), and the earth is bare as Her mother, Demeter, mourns Her loss. But although the winter is before us, we know that the wheel will turn again, life will be reborn, and our blessings are bountiful.

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A Solitaire’s Mabon

This is the second harvest Sabbat. The Goddess is entering into cronehood, and the dark of the year is beginning, so this is a  time often associated with mysterious lore and wisdom.

The altar and circle should be decorated with autumn leaves,  gourds, berries, pine and cypress cones, acorns, oak sprigs and  other fruits of the season. New willow staves and wands were traditionally consecrated or empowered on this day, so if you’ve just recently cut one, you might want to bring it into the circle with you.

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Using Aromatherapy for Cold and Flu: Fragrant Steam For the Stuffed Up Nose

by Guest Author Beverly Marshall

Natural Alternatives for Sinus Congestion
Winter automatically suggests cold and flu season. When our sinuses get stuffed up we will do just about anything so we can breathe in comfort. It’s easy to grab the over the counter medications that clear the sinus passages, but many people prefer not to use these or any other pharmaceutical drug if there are alternatives. The better solution to naturally clearing congested sinuses is through fragrant steam inhalation. Steam used with essential oils works wonders for colds and sinus headaches but what’s the best way to start clearing out those sinuses?

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Natural Element Corrispondence

Direction : East
Rules : The mind, knowledge, abstract learning, theory, imagination, ideas, beliefs, beginnings, rebirth
Elemental : Sprites
Time : Dawn
Season : Spring
Colors : Yellow, white, pastels
Tools : Athame, sword, censor
Zodiac : Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Animals : Birds, Gryphons
Places : Windswept hills, high mountain peaks, towers

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