The Everyday Clairvoyant: What’s Your Gift? (And Does It Help You Clean The House?)

This article was written by Cyndi Dale
posted under Psychic

I see pictures for a living.

That’s not the same as creating them; I can’t so much as draw a stick figure. Nor is it equivalent to collecting art or hanging photographs or scanning MRIs. It’s a little more, well, complex than that.

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*Medium blue to white crystals.
*Fairly newly discovered.
*Psychic connection to oneness with universe, angelic realm, spiritual guidance.
*Astral travel, heightened sensory awareness.
*Seeing paths to surmount challenges.
*Aligns physical & etheric fields for healing self & others.
*Regenerates & rejuvenates ill or depleted areas.
*Creativity, psychic healing.
*Chakras: Brow & Crown.

Continue reading “*Angelite*”

Psychic Empowerment Is Not Just for People That Want to Be “Psychic!”

This article was written by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke posted under Psychic Powers & ESP

The recently released Psychic Empowerment for Everyone by Joe Slate and myself is more than a book showing the reader how to develop natural psychic powers into trained and reliable psychic skills.

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Psychic Empowerment for Everyone

This article was written by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke posted under Psychic

Dr. Joe Slate and I have written a new book entitled Psychic Empowerment for Everyone. Joe is a parapsychologist, a practicing psychologist, the author of sixteen books in three languages, a clinical hypnotist, founder of the International Parapsychology Research Foundation, and a retired professor from the University of Northern Alabama. As for me, I’ve been publishing books for a half-century and am a life-long student of parapsychology, the occult, Jungian psychology, astrology, magic, Wicca, and most related subjects. Basically, I’m an observer and a philosopher.

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Aura Information

A few years ago I attended a seminar on meditation conducted by a local psychic. I have never gone to anything like this, but have always had an interest in meditations and readings. I have shown some abilities in predicting things or “seeing” something happening before it does. It is not anything that I can control and it certainly does not take place on a regular basis.
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Are You Psychic? How to Evaluate your Own PSI Talents.

by Atham Z

It is my belief that everyone has some psychic skill, which they choose to develop, ignore or eliminate to the best of their abilities.
The following is a short ESP potential test that can be quickly evaluated with only “yes” or “no” answers.

Continue reading “Are You Psychic? How to Evaluate your Own PSI Talents.”

Lakota Wisdom

by Amber Wolfe
One of the most beautiful, synchronous aspects of the current shamanic reemergence is that it coincides with the great expansion in human consciousness and potential. The shamans of old may have had to rely on harsh experiences of physical and psychic trauma to access and tune into other worlds beyond form. We, however, have now reached a place in human development that allows us to delve into the deepest wisdom
and purest form of energy.

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