A Quick Guide to Working With Crystals

Finding the Right Crystal:

Ask anyone experienced in crystal use & they will tell you that the best way to select a crystal is to find that one that “feels” right. What does that mean? Simple, if you pick it up & it feels like it belongs there or it really catches your eye, that’s the one for you. When working towards a goal or purpose, research the crystal(s) that best suit the goal & then go shopping. However, be open to what the universe is telling you. If you go to the store to buy amber but quartz calls to you, there’s a reason. Often, when we set out to accomplish something, there are underlying reasons, motivations, & energies that we need to deal with but don’t realize it. The universe will guide you to what you need, even if it doesn’t agree with the book. Trust the universe first.

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Survivalists’ Guide for the New Millennium: Summary by Matthew Webb and Courtney Schmidt

As we enter into the new millennium, the dreams of a fading era carry us all to an uncertain destination. The modern age has in no way resolved the human crisis, which is not significantly different except in terms of scale and severity, than the tragedies found within the last 5000 years. Our desires have not culminated in any glorious finale as imagined by futurists and philosophers. Instead the same issues of corruption and destruction as in any past century, continue to be played out on the stage of historical unrest.

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Survivalists’ Guide for the New Millennium: Forward by Matthew Webb and Courtney Schmidt

We live in the midst of a crisis so immense it boggles the poor, overloaded mind of modern humanity.
The people of the world cannot seem to grasp its implications. Like a billboard whose message and image are stretched to such vast proportions that it fills the entire sky from horizon to horizon, the “big picture” of world events escapes the public comprehension. Those who see beyond the scope of the drive to work, the office, and a close circle of family and friends, can sometimes make out what this big picture is indicating. The Billboard, also known as “Reality” reads; RETURN TO NATURAL WAYS TO HEAL YOURSELF. HEAL YOURSELF TO EVOLVE. EVOLVE OR DIE. For those of us who do not see beyond immediate daily affairs, there remains only the unsolved mystery, (misery) of life. Life is not truly a mystery, yet our self imposed ignorance makes it so. Through ignorance we make mistakes and these mistakes cause pain. And pain is what we see transcribed upon the faces of sidewalk crowds like the fine print hidden in the text of an unscrupulous contract.

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A Quick Guide to Reading Ordinary Playing Cards by Cheryl Lynne Bradley

Divining from regular playing cards is an old practice and I am sure many of us know at least one fortunetelling game done with this tool. Reading regular cards is called cartomancy or metasymbology. Playing cards have been called “The Devil’s Picture Book” and have a few superstitions associated with them. Miners and fishermen viewed it as bad luck to have a deck with them while working or on a voyage. Thieves will rarely steal a deck as they have a belief that this will turn luck against them . Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history: Spades – King David; Clubs – Alexander the Great; Hearts -Charlemagne; and Diamonds – Julius Caesar.

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Prayer for a New Parent

Holy Ones, see what has happened here!
I have become a father/mother;
a great mystery indeed.
I do not know in my head what to do,
I know in my heart what is right.
May I know the right thing with all of me
and do it no matter what the pain.
A hard road lies before me, shining ones,
a road filled with great difficulties,
a road filled with great joys.
Guide me along it.
Be at my side.

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Prayer for a First Pregnancy

Each moment you experience this,
you who bring each moment through to its proper time.
This is my first pregnancy, however,
and I lean on you, asking for strength.
During the time of growing, give me strength.
Guide the baby in the way it is to grow,
bring it to health and strength.
During the time of waiting, give me patience,
so that my pregnancy might reach its fulfillment in its proper time.
You are my model, Mater Dea,
and I look to you for help.

Continue reading “Prayer for a First Pregnancy”

Great Spirit Guide Us

Grandfather, Great Spirit, you have been always,
And before you nothing has been.
There is no one to pray to but you.
The star nations all over the heavens are yours,
And yours are the grasses of the earth.
Grandfather, Great Spirit, fill us with the light.
Teach us to walk the soft earth as relatives to all that live.
Help us, for without you we are nothing.

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