A Quick Guide to Working With Crystals

Finding the Right Crystal:

Ask anyone experienced in crystal use & they will tell you that the best way to select a crystal is to find that one that “feels” right. What does that mean? Simple, if you pick it up & it feels like it belongs there or it really catches your eye, that’s the one for you. When working towards a goal or purpose, research the crystal(s) that best suit the goal & then go shopping. However, be open to what the universe is telling you. If you go to the store to buy amber but quartz calls to you, there’s a reason. Often, when we set out to accomplish something, there are underlying reasons, motivations, & energies that we need to deal with but don’t realize it. The universe will guide you to what you need, even if it doesn’t agree with the book. Trust the universe first.

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Your path to learning can help you more in the future if you are able to look back on it. Ask yourself questions, and write your responses in a section of personal insights. As opposed to a daily journal, this will not record actual events, but instead, will help you to reflect on theories and thoughts. Think about how you began on this path, reconsider your ways of life, think about the wonders of reality, write a little on what Wicca means to you and how it’s changed your outlook on life. Anything goes. And you can always return to a previous insight, and add what new views you’ve stumbled upon! Don’t forget to write the time/date on each entry!

Continue reading “Insights”

Samhain: Summonings, Conjurations, Invocations – Why Bother?

by Ambrose Hawk

With the approach of Samhain, Halloween, All Soul’s Day, and “the Day of the Dead” (all related festivals), I’ve heard several folks declare that they are going to ignore the main focus of the party. They aren’t going to bother the spirits, but rather just dress up and secure the house and either go party or stay home. Why should they be worried, they ask, about possible contact with the spirits. Why don’t they consider this event from the viewpoint of the spirits? It’s not a batty idea.

Continue reading “Samhain: Summonings, Conjurations, Invocations – Why Bother?”