Duisenblad/Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

Is a hardy perennial that makes a beautiful pot plant with its feathery leaves and pink flowers. Grow in a sunny position in deep, wide pots and keep the soil moist. Yarrow is a good indicator plant because it’s always the first to show that watering is needed. It’s principally a medicinal herb that can be used to bring down fevers, and helps relieve infections, influenza, and sinusitis. Both the leaves and flowers of the plant are used as an infusion. Add peppermint or a teaspoon of honey if you find the leaves a bit bitter.

BLOOD ROOT (Sanguinaria canadensis) 

Is also a tonic and stimulant. It is of great value in chest diseases, bleeding from the lungs pneumonia and chronic bronchitis. In whooping cough and croup it should be given  until vomiting results. The powdered root may be used as snuff in  catarrh and polypus of the nose. As an external remedy the powdered root or the application of the tincture acts well in cases of ringworm and other skin affections. Too large a dose should be avoided as this can produce a narcotic effect.

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BLOOD ROOT (Sanguinaria canadensis) 

Is also a tonic and stimulant. It is of great value in chest diseases, bleeding from the lungs pneumonia and chronic bronchitis. In whooping cough and croup it should be given until vomiting results. The powdered root may be used as snuff in catarrh and polypus of the nose. As an external remedy the powdered root or the application of the tincture acts well in cases of ringworm and other skin affections. Too large a dose should be avoided as this can produce a narcotic effect.

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Survivalists’ Guide for the New Millennium: Summary by Matthew Webb and Courtney Schmidt

As we enter into the new millennium, the dreams of a fading era carry us all to an uncertain destination. The modern age has in no way resolved the human crisis, which is not significantly different except in terms of scale and severity, than the tragedies found within the last 5000 years. Our desires have not culminated in any glorious finale as imagined by futurists and philosophers. Instead the same issues of corruption and destruction as in any past century, continue to be played out on the stage of historical unrest.

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Self-Healing Basics

By: Christin Snyder

* The material presented in this article is provided for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or prevent any illness.
Through this article I would like to explore some very basic methods that can be used to relieve tension, stress, and depression, as well as sharpen intuition, clear the mind, & increase energy. These methods can be used by anyone to help restore a general sense of well-being.

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The human body utilizes the mineral calcium as one of the main structural building compound to form various hard organic systems. Calcium imparts hardness and strength to the skeletal system and the teeth and almost ninety nine percent of the human body’s total three pounds of calcium is in the skeleton and the dentition – calcium also functions in synapse communication in the neurons of the brain. The bones and the teeth can be said to be reservoirs of the mineral calcium, and the mineral in the bones and teeth is not permanently entrenched – it can be transported to other areas or lost in the urine during a disorder or with increasing age. Calcium is almost constantly being exchanged between the bones and the body fluids or even the soft tissues – where the remaining calcium is stored and utilized in various biochemical processes. As a relatively constant blood level of calcium is maintained and regulated by homeostatic processes in the body, there is a distinct danger in the event of insufficient dietary intake of calcium, the amount lost through excretion and loss from the bones may not be replenished – this will inevitably give rise to a deficiency in the mineral.

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To see bats in your dream, symbolizes uncleanness, demons, and annoyances.


Alternatively, bats represent rebirth. You need to let go of old habits. Your current path is not compatible with your new growth and new goals. It may also mean that you are blindly entering into a situation or deal. You need to evaluate the facts more carefully.

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