BLOOD ROOT (Sanguinaria canadensis) 

Is also a tonic and stimulant. It is of great value in chest diseases, bleeding from the lungs pneumonia and chronic bronchitis. In whooping cough and croup it should be given  until vomiting results. The powdered root may be used as snuff in  catarrh and polypus of the nose. As an external remedy the powdered root or the application of the tincture acts well in cases of ringworm and other skin affections. Too large a dose should be avoided as this can produce a narcotic effect.

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BLOOD ROOT (Sanguinaria canadensis) 

Is also a tonic and stimulant. It is of great value in chest diseases, bleeding from the lungs pneumonia and chronic bronchitis. In whooping cough and croup it should be given until vomiting results. The powdered root may be used as snuff in catarrh and polypus of the nose. As an external remedy the powdered root or the application of the tincture acts well in cases of ringworm and other skin affections. Too large a dose should be avoided as this can produce a narcotic effect.

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