Guardian Angels

The concept of a guardian angel is extremely old. In Zoroastrianism, guardian angels were called fravashis.
Before Christianity, the Romans had protective guardians. Men had a genius and women a juno. Jesus Christ confirmed the existence of guardian angels when he said: “Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 18:10) Origin, an early Christian theologian, believed that everyone has both a good and evil angel. The good angel guides and protects the person and the evil angel tempts him or her. St. Thomas Aquinas believed everyone has a guardian angel.

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 *Divinatory Interpretation*

*Aquamarine is a sign of communication in a reading. The interpretation of the reading will depend on whether the stone is located in a favourable or a difficult position. In a favourable position, this stone suggests companionship, conviviality, and a sharing of joy and optimism with loved ones. When surrounded by difficult energies, however, aquamarine may suggest that thoughtless gossip or the spreading of lies is causing problems. It may also indicate deception. Like imitations of the stone itself, this sort of behaviour will become clear if you patiently examine the situation from many different angles. It is important, thought, not to become to emotionally involved- in other words, keep your cool. In some positions, aquamarine may also suggest travel over water.

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The ancient Germanic/Norse year was divided into two seasons: Summer and Winter. Summer began at the festival of Eostre, close to the Spring Equinox, and Winter began at the festival of Winternights, close to the Autumn Equinox. Between these two festivals was the festival of Midsummer ( Lithasblot ) at the Summer Solstice, and the festival of Jul ( Yule ), at the Winter Solstice. There are other minor festivals that are celebrated in between these four major ones, listed below in the table.


Prayer for Protection

Thank you, O mighty ones,
for all you have done for me.
May I not forget you, though the world turn against me.
Though I fall with my enemies rejoicing about me,
it will be your presence that will comfort me,
and I will still thank you for the incomparable rightness of every moment.

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Prayer for a New Parent

Holy Ones, see what has happened here!
I have become a father/mother;
a great mystery indeed.
I do not know in my head what to do,
I know in my heart what is right.
May I know the right thing with all of me
and do it no matter what the pain.
A hard road lies before me, shining ones,
a road filled with great difficulties,
a road filled with great joys.
Guide me along it.
Be at my side.

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