Praising All Gods

I praise every god in my daily prayers,
leaving not a single one out.
The universe does not exclude any of them, so how can I?
Praise, praise, to the infinite number of Blessed Ones.
Praise, praise, let there be praise of them all.

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Praise for the Mother of Us All

You are the cauldron of wisdom,
From which inspiration flows.
You are the broad Earth,
which gives birth to all life.
You are the circling Moon,
ruling the tides of oceans and women.
You are the endless night sky,
filled with numberless stars.
You are a grove of birth trees,
shining in the forest deeps.
You are the Mother of us all,
and we look to you in wonder and awe.

Continue reading “Praise for the Mother of Us All”

In Praise of the Goddess

I send out words in praise of the Goddess,
from whom all worlds flow.
Mystery of mysteries, this continual creation,
like a fountain forever bubbling up from the Earth’s darkness,
she is a cup that is never empty.
Generous One, eternally giving gifts,
I pray to you, I praise you,
I remember you throughout my day.

Continue reading “In Praise of the Goddess”


From a Baha’i book by ‘Abdu’l-Baha:

Americans and Europeans have heard a number of stories about the Prophet which they have thought to be true, although the narrators were either ignorant or antagonistic: most of them were clergy; others were ignorant Muslims who repeated unfounded traditions about Muhammad which they ignorantly believed to be to His praise. Continue reading “Muhammad”