Duisenblad/Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

Is a hardy perennial that makes a beautiful pot plant with its feathery leaves and pink flowers. Grow in a sunny position in deep, wide pots and keep the soil moist. Yarrow is a good indicator plant because it’s always the first to show that watering is needed. It’s principally a medicinal herb that can be used to bring down fevers, and helps relieve infections, influenza, and sinusitis. Both the leaves and flowers of the plant are used as an infusion. Add peppermint or a teaspoon of honey if you find the leaves a bit bitter.

Common Thistle

Cirsium vulgare
Common thistle – biennial plant that grows 3.3 ft to 4.95 ft (1 m to 1.5 m) high. The central stem is solid and prickly.
The leaves end in long, pointy beige-colored thorns. The abundant seeds are equipped with aigrets and attached to the base by a ring until they reach maturity. The roots are slender and deep.

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Calculating the Number for Your Name by David Allen Hulse

Now modern numerology , having its antecedents in the Hebrew Qabalah , is a simplification of the very complicated number system charted out by the ancient rabbis. The main difference between modern numerology and ancient gematria is the scope of symbolic attributes for the number series. The ancient Hebrew Qabalah gave deep, rich metaphors for every whole integer in the number series as far as one can count. Thus the numbers 6, 60, and 600 each has its own unique poetical number metaphor, while in modern numerology 6, 60, and 600 are each interpreted as the single digit “6.” For in modern numerology only the first nine numbers are symbolically significant, the number metaphors beyond nine having been lost to time.

Continue reading “Calculating the Number for Your Name by David Allen Hulse”


*Deep Red Wine (High copper content) opens flow of Coccyx & Solar Plexus.
*Stomach/power centers.
*Kundalini energy, will power.
*Historically also heals relationship with father, the yang side of us, masculinity (in
men) & confidence/security issues.
*Accesses past life parent info for healing issues.
*Also with Heart Chakra, strengthens thymus, heart, blood & oxygen, metabolism, stamina & healing.
*Chakras: Deep Red Wine – Coccyx & Solar Plexus. Heart.

Cuprite by Rhiana Moonstar

Deep wine red. (High copper content) Opens flow of 1st/root and 3rd/stomach/power centers, Kundalini energy, willpower. Also, with heart chakra: strengthens thymus, heart, blood, and oxygen, metabolism, stamina and healing. Historically also heals relationship with father, the yang side of us, masculinity (for men) and confidence/security issues. Access past life parent info for healing issues.


*Translucent purple-pink-brown hexagonal, or white needle crystals.
*Deep, peaceful meditation; uplifts emotions.
*Centring, overview, patience under stress, helps us navigate business/managerial/personal challenges with a clear head and steady hand.
*Giving and receiving easily.
*Balances yin-yang.
*Eyes, brain, Central Nervous System, heart, opens spiritual/brow chakra for day-to-day living with an open heart and mind.
*Centring self during stress and anger.
*Problem solving, patience and will power.
*Stimulates communication with higher planes.
by Rhiana Moonstar



*Clear, white, light green striated crystals.
*Very powerful for deep, peaceful stillness and alpha state/meditation/dream recall.
*Clairvoyance, out of body travel, etc.
*Green is most powerful: Heals and brings joyous openness to the heart chakra, as it opens the brow and crown chakras.
*Clears mental fuzziness and channels for with higher-self and angelic realm contact.
*Helps to see the truth for growth.
By Rhiana Moonstar
