Egyptian Temples, part III: God’s Home by Mirjam

The cult temple in ancient Egypt was more than a place of worship. It was the home of the god, it was believed the deity took up residence in the building and used it more or less for all those various purposes as humans did. It was the place he was given food and shelter, where he was cleaned and clothed. The temple was built to take care of these needs. It provided a rest area, a reception area and storerooms for possessions. There was also a processional access, leading from the outer pylons all the way through the open courts and the hypostyle halls into the sanctum where the statue resided.

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Cuprite by Rhiana Moonstar

Deep wine red. (High copper content) Opens flow of 1st/root and 3rd/stomach/power centers, Kundalini energy, willpower. Also, with heart chakra: strengthens thymus, heart, blood, and oxygen, metabolism, stamina and healing. Historically also heals relationship with father, the yang side of us, masculinity (for men) and confidence/security issues. Access past life parent info for healing issues.