Jade by Rhiana Moonstar

Receptive. Element: Water. Solid to translucent green. Health, wealth, longevity stone. Ancient Chinese used also for courage, wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional balance, stamina, love, fidelity, humility, generosity, peace, harmony. Lungs, heart, thymus, immune, kidney and blood detoxification, nervous system.

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Epidote by Rhiana Moonstar

Deep green, striated. Strengthens overall health, heart, well-being, energy. Courage, stamina. Helps take good care of one’s self (food, rest, etc.). Ability to increase whatever one tunes into. It’s the stone for all reasons. Augments personal power. Greatly enhances perception. Noted for its power in creating rapid spiritual awakening. Enhances intuition and perception. Powerful cleansing of emotional body. Use with caution. It releases pent up emotions and opens blockages like no other stone.


Health, wealth, longevity stone. Ancient Chinese used it also for courage, wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional balance, stamina, love, fidelity, humility, generosity, peace, and harmony. Lungs, heart, thymus, immune, kidney and blood detoxification and the nervous system. It is a very popular gemstone projecting universal love, health, wealth and long life.


*Deep Red Wine (High copper content) opens flow of Coccyx & Solar Plexus.
*Stomach/power centers.
*Kundalini energy, will power.
*Historically also heals relationship with father, the yang side of us, masculinity (in
men) & confidence/security issues.
*Accesses past life parent info for healing issues.
*Also with Heart Chakra, strengthens thymus, heart, blood & oxygen, metabolism, stamina & healing.
*Chakras: Deep Red Wine – Coccyx & Solar Plexus. Heart.