An amulet is a magickal tool that helps bring about changes in your life. Herbalist Paul Beryl thinks they might be the oldest form of herbal magick — as in when the Wise Ones of the village sensed the magickal power of certain plants and decided to carry them about.

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Jade by Rhiana Moonstar

Receptive. Element: Water. Solid to translucent green. Health, wealth, longevity stone. Ancient Chinese used also for courage, wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional balance, stamina, love, fidelity, humility, generosity, peace, harmony. Lungs, heart, thymus, immune, kidney and blood detoxification, nervous system.

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Hall of the Two Truths

by Dr Harald Fuchs
Ancient Egyptian culture was obsessed with the idea of eternal life beyond death, and the need to avoid personal extinction. As a result, the culture exerted enormous resources in the development of theological and philosophical underpinnings of a belief in the migration of a soul from the material world to Tuat, the spiritual world.

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Aido Hwedo / Aido Wedo / Rainbow Serpent

Region: Fon People, Dahomey, Drakensberg “Dragons Mountain” Range, South Africa
Time Period: Ancient
References in Literature:
Sources: Book of Dragons and Other Mythical Beasts, Circle of the Dragon, Polenth, DenCity, and several others

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Finn Mac Cumhail

by Amy M. Durante

Finn was the legendary Irish hero and leader of the Fianna. Tales of Finn and the Fianna were widely documented in the 3rd century CE during what is now referred to as the Fenian Cycle, although much earlier written accounts have also been found in ancient Irish manuscripts.

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A Bit of Weather Magick

Sprinkle rice clockwise while another person or a musical tape plays slowly increasing drumbeats. This sympathetic magic can work to bring rain or snow; for rain, I suggest dyeing the rice blue. This type of rain magic was common in the ancient Far East.

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Flying to the cloud

Soma and the Axis Mundi
Alby Stone

‘He who is the pillar of the sky, the well-adorned support, the full stalk that encircles all around, he is the one who by tradition sacrifices to these two great world-halves.’ [1]
This verse from the Rig Veda describes a plant: Soma, from which the gods of ancient India made their fiery elixir of immortality. Here, the stem of the plant is the pillar that supports the sky and separates it from the earth. Soma is also a god, as well as being identified with the moon (and also the sun!), where its juice is stored; it is characterised as a horse, or bull; and it is brought from the sky, though it is found on certain mountains, which may amount to the same thing. The dome of the sky is the bowl into which the juice of the Soma is poured.

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by Alan G. Hefner
A female demon of the night who supposedly flies around searching for newborn children either to kidnap or strangle them. Also, she sleeps with men to seduce them into propagating demon sons. Legends told about Lilith are ancient. The rabbinical myths of Lilith being Adam’s first wife seem to relate to the Sumero-Babylonian Goddess Belit-ili, or Belili. To the Canaanites, Lilith was Baalat, the “Divine Lady.” On a tablet from Ur, ca. 2000 BCE, she was addressed as Lillake.

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