
God of unknown status. Nordic (Icelandic). A god of Asgard said by Snorri to be the son of BALDER and NANNA. According to an Icelandic list of dwellings of the gods, Forseti owned a gold and silver hall, Glitnir, and was a good law maker and arbiter of disputes. Also Fosite (Friesian).

Hall of the Two Truths

by Dr Harald Fuchs
Ancient Egyptian culture was obsessed with the idea of eternal life beyond death, and the need to avoid personal extinction. As a result, the culture exerted enormous resources in the development of theological and philosophical underpinnings of a belief in the migration of a soul from the material world to Tuat, the spiritual world.

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Prayer for a New Home

Land folk, I am here, newly arrived to this place.
I have come from my previous home,
where I lived under the protecting gaze
of the Land Spirits there.
In this new place, then, I wish to establish peace again
between my people and the people of the land,
as it has been done since the unremembered time.
I bring gifts to you, I bring offerings,
as a suppliant should when entering a chieftain’s hall.
Accept them from me and, with them, my friendship.
Establish between us peace.

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