– Protects against nervousness, helps alleviate spiritual fear, aids in healing hurt feelings & bruised egos, incurs strength & physical vitality, aligns subtle bodies, amplifies other vibrational energies & positive emotional outlook, helps liver & adrenal function. Typically Green.


*For eyes, blood plasma, against blood poisoning, epilepsy, helps in case of poisoning and for concentration, brain, pituitary gland, blood circulation, cartilage, throat, skull, shoulders, reproductive organs and vitality, against gout, yellow fever, addictions, fear, insecurity and jealousy.
*Diamond is used as a meditation stone; this stone enhances spirituality and is seen as the highest form of transformation because Diamond consists of pure carbon, a substance that also makes up coal.
*Diamond is the embodiment of peace and cures insomnia and nightmares.

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Black Tourmaline:

Simply excellent at repelling negativity. Can protect a person from the negativity of another person. Increases vitality, energy, emotional stability, and intellectual acuity. Protects against negative spells. Excellent for grounding. It can point you in the direction of things that will bring “good”. Concidered a “teller stone”…can tell you who or what is causing you problems.




A  variety  of  chalcedony.  Strengthens  and  oxygenates bloodstream. Enhances  physical/mental  vitality.  Strengthens heart,   spleen,   bone   marrow.   Aids   in   balancing  iron deficiencies.  Reduces   emotional/mental   stress.   Powerful physical  healer. Stimulates movement of kundalini. Links root chakra with  heart.  Inner  guidance,  altruism,  idealism.  A highly evolved mineral.  (1,4)



*Amber may be used to increase vitality, motivation, and creativity. It is a powerful amulet when worn for protection, especially when carved into the shape of your totem animal.
*Wear amber to attract warm, loyal, and generous people into your life; or carry amber on your person to lend logic or wit to a difficult situation.
*Mixed with turquoise, amber is reminiscent of Sky Father or the sun in the sky. This combination if energies may be used successfully to quiet the mind and calm the nervous system.

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Healing Power of Sacred Space

By: Christopher Penczak

You are what you eat. We’ve all heard that a million times before, haven’t we? It’s a call to be conscious about our food choices. Our health is dependent upon the fuel our body has to create our lives. Eat healthy, vitamin rich foods, and you have a healthy life. Eat poor foods, low on nutrition and high in empty calories, and you have a poor life, with low energy and core vitality. It’s a truth recognized by both the medical fields and alternative health specialists, though they might not completely agree as to what a healthy diet really is.

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