
Boswellia carteri
This essential oil is extracted from the gum resin of the bark of the frankincense tree. Its aroma is warm, rich, and slightly lemony. Most people recognize the scent of the oil from smelling incense and remember the biblical story of the three kings offering frankincense to the baby Jesus. The use of this oil dates back more than 4000 years. Both calming and uplifting, it brings reassurance and aids meditation. Frankincense has a powerful effect in clearing lung and nasal passages and can ease shortness of breath. It is also useful for sore throats and strengthening the immune system. In skin care, the oil has an anti-inflammatory effect making it an ideal choice for mature and dry skin.

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*Amber may be used to increase vitality, motivation, and creativity. It is a powerful amulet when worn for protection, especially when carved into the shape of your totem animal.
*Wear amber to attract warm, loyal, and generous people into your life; or carry amber on your person to lend logic or wit to a difficult situation.
*Mixed with turquoise, amber is reminiscent of Sky Father or the sun in the sky. This combination if energies may be used successfully to quiet the mind and calm the nervous system.

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Unlike the typical sports supplement designed to improve stamina and athletic performance, glycerol is unique: its primary role is to replace the fluid that is lost during exertion. During a strenuous workout you can lose as much as 3 to 4 pounds of fluid, and the loss can be even greater if you are exercising in a warm, humid climate. If the fluid is not replaced, you will not only slow down but run the risk of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Dehydration results in a reduction in blood plasma, which leaves less blood to carry vital nutrients and oxygen to muscle cells. As a result, you will tire sooner and take longer to recover from your workout. In addition, there is less blood to cool down the skin. Drinking extra water helps to replace fluid, but it may not be enough.

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