Alyosha Popovitch

by Cyril Korolev

In Russian folklore Alyosha Popovitch is an epic hero, a mighty warrior and a trickster. Unlike Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikititch and other heroes, who served prince Vladimir of Kiev, protected borders of old Russia and fought with various monsters, Alyosha won battles not by his physical superiority but by insidious tricks. He was always ready to play mischievous pranks on his friends too. Once, when Dobrynya went far away, Alyosha came to Dobrynya’s wife and told her that her husband was dead and that she should marry him. She rejected him, and afterwards Dobrynya beat Alyosha to death.

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Unlike the typical sports supplement designed to improve stamina and athletic performance, glycerol is unique: its primary role is to replace the fluid that is lost during exertion. During a strenuous workout you can lose as much as 3 to 4 pounds of fluid, and the loss can be even greater if you are exercising in a warm, humid climate. If the fluid is not replaced, you will not only slow down but run the risk of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Dehydration results in a reduction in blood plasma, which leaves less blood to carry vital nutrients and oxygen to muscle cells. As a result, you will tire sooner and take longer to recover from your workout. In addition, there is less blood to cool down the skin. Drinking extra water helps to replace fluid, but it may not be enough.

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