CINQUEFOIL: (Pontentilla reptans)

Also called Five Fingered Grass, Creeping cinquefoil, and Five Leaved Grass. The rootstock was cooked as a vegetable by the Celts and Native Americans. Applied to sore areas, the fresh plant relieves pain. A root decoction is used in anti-wrinkle creams. A wash reduces skin redness, freckles, and sunburn. The powdered root and leaf are used to stop internal hemorrhaging. The powder also makes an astringent  for mouth sores and treats diarrhea. Taken with honey, it relieves sore throats, coughs, and fever. Take one-quarter to one-half teaspoon at a time, or twenty to forty drops of the tincture. The leaves can be steeped using two teaspoons per cup of water for twenty minutes, or one ounce of the root can be simmered in one and a half cups of water for twenty minutes. The dose is a quarter cup four times a day.

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(Laurus nobilis) The culinary leaves may be slightly narcotic, and aid digestion when added to Bouquet garni, marinades, pâte, soups and stews. The wood is used to give an aromatic tang to smoked foods, and oil of Bay, from the fruit, flavors some liqueurs. A leaf decoction added to bath water will relieve aching limbs, and diluted leaf essential oil can treat sprains and rheumatic joints but may irritate the skin. The leaf and berry are used in salves for itching, sprains, bruises, skin irritations, and rheumatic pain. The fruit and leaf are simmered until soft and made into a poultice with honey for chest colds. Bay leaf and berry tea makes a bath additive that helps the bladder, bowel, and female reproductive organs. Use two tablespoons per cup and steep for forty-five minutes, add to bath water.

Continue reading “BAY LAUREL: “

Magick in Ancient Egypt by Eris

“O Isis great enchantress, free me, release me from all evil red things, from the fever of the god and the fever of the goddess. From death, and deathfrom pain, and the pain that comes over me; as though hast freed, as thou hast released thy son Horus, whilst I enter into the fire and go forth from the water.”

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Alive – Holistic healing for modern times

Alive Holistic Healing was started by Maxine Immelman-Venter to offer natural living and healing solutions to families all over the world.
Maxine is a qualified Advanced Master Herbalist and Naturopath. She is continually expanding her studies into other holistic arenas such as Vibrational Medicine, Holistic Pet care, Organic Skin care and Reiki. She aims to bring you an honest, whole spectrum solution to you, your family and even your furry family members!

She consults internationally (online) to bring you full root cause analyses, without needing to drive across country to see a specialist.
Maxine has published various books to promote education on natural health. All her books can be bought on Amazon. Feel free to visit the ‘BOOKS’ section for more information.
Whether you are interested in exploring medicinal cures that are hidden in your garden, start using vibrational medicine, or if you want to share your love for natural healing with your children, she has you covered!
She has developed various natural products ranging from health supplements, skin care, pain management and sleep aids. You can view the current products on the “Products” page.
She studied Cannabis at CTU in the USA and understands the complexities of the plant, and can recommend the most suitable combination of cannabinoids to use in every unique situation.
Independent Distributors are allowed to sell the “Dragonfly” product range, as clients don’t need a full health evaluation to use these. If you should be interested in becoming a distributor, kindly contact her on (Currently only available to South African Citizens)
Please follow us on Facebook to stay abreast of natural health information in our current day world.


Call 081 322 1886


– Alcoholism, anorexia, arthritis, epilepsy, gout, headaches, colitis, retardation, memory loss, schizophrenia & manic-depression, phobias, emotional equilibrium, thyroid malignancy, gums, pain, self-esteem.

*Apache Tears*

*Small, dark, smoky-translucent, obsidian pebbles.
*Eases & releases pain, loss, sadness, anger, etc. to help heal and go on with life.
*For looking within, protection, vision, quest / purpose.
*Gently grounds & unlocks lower body & endocrine glands/chakras.
*Aids healing.
*Represents tears of grief shed by Native American women after their loved ones’ deaths due to invading troops.
*Set in silver worn as a powerful protective amulet against all negative influences.
*Chakra: Brow

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Survivalists’ Guide for the New Millennium: Forward by Matthew Webb and Courtney Schmidt

We live in the midst of a crisis so immense it boggles the poor, overloaded mind of modern humanity.
The people of the world cannot seem to grasp its implications. Like a billboard whose message and image are stretched to such vast proportions that it fills the entire sky from horizon to horizon, the “big picture” of world events escapes the public comprehension. Those who see beyond the scope of the drive to work, the office, and a close circle of family and friends, can sometimes make out what this big picture is indicating. The Billboard, also known as “Reality” reads; RETURN TO NATURAL WAYS TO HEAL YOURSELF. HEAL YOURSELF TO EVOLVE. EVOLVE OR DIE. For those of us who do not see beyond immediate daily affairs, there remains only the unsolved mystery, (misery) of life. Life is not truly a mystery, yet our self imposed ignorance makes it so. Through ignorance we make mistakes and these mistakes cause pain. And pain is what we see transcribed upon the faces of sidewalk crowds like the fine print hidden in the text of an unscrupulous contract.

Continue reading “Survivalists’ Guide for the New Millennium: Forward by Matthew Webb and Courtney Schmidt”


The most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis, also known as wear-and-tear arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis,  caused by inflammation of the joints. Although the two conditions are very different, they are both characterized by the destruction of connective tissue, specifically the cartilage: the substance that lines the joints. When the cartilage wears down, it leaves the bone endings exposed; the result can be pain, stiffness, and swelling of the joints. Recently touted as the so-called arthritis cure, glucosamine is a natural constituent of cartilage that stimulates the production of connective tissue in the body.

Continue reading “Glucosamine”

Prayer for a New Parent

Holy Ones, see what has happened here!
I have become a father/mother;
a great mystery indeed.
I do not know in my head what to do,
I know in my heart what is right.
May I know the right thing with all of me
and do it no matter what the pain.
A hard road lies before me, shining ones,
a road filled with great difficulties,
a road filled with great joys.
Guide me along it.
Be at my side.

Continue reading “Prayer for a New Parent”


by Brian Edward Rise

In Wolfram’s Parzifal, he is the Grail King and uncle to the hero knight. Failing his sacred obligations, he is wounded by a spear point that can only be healed when questioned by his nephew. Kept alive by the Grail, he lives in constant torment and pain. On Parzifal’s first visit to the castle, he fails to ask any questions and Anfortas remains near death. After having learned compassion on his quest, upon returning Parzifal inquires of the wound and Anfortas is healed. In the opera, Wagner changes the spelling to Amfortas and makes the nature of his ordeal more complex and psychological.