Magical Herbalism

by Diane Sylvan, Sibylline Priestess

Herbal lore has been passed from healer to healer, mother to daughter, generation after generation. Herbalism is an ancient practice of a gentle science. The uses and properties of herbs are just now reaffirming itself in the western scientific community. Holistic medicines work with the body to balance our natural chemistry. The side effects of herbs are generally less severe then pharmaceutical drugs and the benefits to the body and soul are great. Although natural healing is practiced by many it is always best to do research for yourself, seek out someone well trained, and obtain a doctor’s diagnosis for all severe medial problems. When using a natural medicine for an ailment, seek medical council if a condition is threatening your well being, worsens or has persisted for an extended period of time (1-2 weeks). Herbal medicines are powerful and can, if used incorrectly, have life threatening results.

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Dragon Spell Box

Buy or make a box out of any material you like, decorate it with dragon images and dragon runes. Soon I will have dragon runes on the site. Anyway a recent photo of yourself, 1 quartz crystal, 1 pyramid any size if you can’t buy one make a paper one and three small squares of paper. Write out your three wishes, place in the box. Place crystal on top of wishes, then place the top on. Align the box to face true north in a place it won’t be disturbed. Place photo on top, put pyramid on top and align to the directions. Hold palms of your hands around your box and say three times with great feeling:

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Spiritual Shower

Copyright Ben Swett, 1999

reprinted with permission

To release emotional burdens and cleanse residual problems:

  1. Go apart to a quiet place. Sit comfortably. Relax each part of your body one at a time. Imagine yourself in peaceful surroundings. Take a few minutes to enjoy this feeling.
  2. Remember something that has been troubling you, but don’t get involved in it now. Just think of the general situation or relationship, and say to yourself, “There is a problem there.”
  3. Call on God or Jesus [or your own concept of a higher power]. Imagine a ray of warm white light coming down to you from above. Offer the whole problem up to the light, to the Lord. Imagine your Higher Power taking it from you, accepting it and understanding it. Let the problem go, entrusting it to God.

(If you wish, return to step 2 and remember another problem.)

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Love your Friend as yourself

by the Kabbalist Rabbi Baruch Shalom Halevi Ashlag
(Steps of the Ladder, 1984, 6th essay)


“Love your friend as yourself. Rabbi Akiva says, ’This is the great principle of the Torah.’” This statement implies that if we fulfill the great principle, all of the particulars and details will follow automatically, with no effort on our part. Moreover, there isn’t even anything to do.
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The Animals of Astrology

The Rat The Rat is the symbol of charm

You’re found at a great number of social gatherings and parties, constantly surrounded by people. You love to take centre stage and your sense of humour wins many fans. Since you’re often accused of interfering, take care not to become too involved in the lives of others. Money is very important to you; you love to spend, although you live in fear that you won’t have enough. Despite the fact that you’re outgoing and don’t like solitude, you’ve been known to keep your feelings to yourself. You’re very creative and imaginative, yet you don’t always have the confidence to promote your ideas.

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“22 Commandments” For The New Age

Ann Waldrum


  1. You shall learn of Honesty and attempt to heal your fear of it, to use this in daily living.
  2. You shall learn to Love Unconditionally–beginning with  yourself.
  3. You shall help all people in your worlds come to physical healing.
  4. You shall dwell on things of high and pure energy in others and self to change Earth.
  5. You will learn and practice Pure Service — unconditional  and with love energy. Continue reading ““22 Commandments” For The New Age”

14 – Art

by Anja Heij

The word Art refers to the alchemist art of transforming matter through purification from an imperfect state into a perfect one. This was done by first analysing and transforming the different elements and then mingling opposites in the right proportions. But in fact alchemy is an inner process of refining yourself: first look at all the parts of yourself, bring them into your consciousness, accept them and then mingle your male and female side into a perfect mixture. Tantra describes this as finding the inner lover. The Art card shows this integration of male and female: here the dark man and the light woman of the Lovers card (no. 6) have become one androgyne figure. Through the inner synthesis of our opposite sides we become a higher version of

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To see animals in your dream, represents your own physical characteristic, primitive desires, and sexual nature, depending on the qualities of the particular animal. Animals symbolizes the untamed and uncivilized aspects of yourself. Thus, to dream that you are fighting with an animal signifies a hidden part of yourself that you are trying to reject and push back into your subconscious. Refer to the specific animal in your dream.
To dream that animals can talk, represents superior knowledge. Its message is often some form of wisdom. Alternatively, a talking animal denotes your potential to be all that you can be.

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SYSOP’S NOTE: This excellent food-for-thought was downloaded from EarthRite BBS, 415-651-9496. – Talespinner, Sysop, WeirdBase
NOTE: This document appears to be adapted from the work of  Amber K in “Covencraft : Witchcraft for Three or More“, 1998 Llewellyn Publications.

Before you go a step further, take a good long look at your desires, motivation and skills. What role do you see yourself playing in this new group? “Ordinary” member? Democratic facilitator? High Priestess? And if the last — why do you want the job?

The title of High Priestess and Priestess are seductive, conjuring up exotic images of yourself in embroidered robes, a silver crescent (or horned helm) on your brow, adoring
celebrants hanging on every word which drops from your lips…

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