Make your movie now!

Write, Produce, And Sell Your Film

“The Filmmaker Action Pack is an on-demand movie producing course that provides you with insider strategies so you can quit procrastinating, make a plan, and take action.”

What Is Included In This On Demand Movie Producer Video Course?

Many people pay thousands of dollars to attend workshops and courses taught by instructors who have never actually raised money and produced movies. 

This training contained in the Filmmaker Action Pack is different. 

This online filmmaking course is based on real world experience. This course provides you with an understanding of independent movie producing so you can take action. 

Module 01:
Write Your Movie

Don’t become a Hollywood hopeful with big ideas, and no material. In this module, you’ll get an overview of the screenwriting process, and gain tactics so you can get yourself an awesome screenplay!

Module 02:
Fund Your Movie

It is difficult to make a movie without money. In this module, you’ll gain easy to implement strategies for meeting prospective investors and building life long business and personal relationships.

Module 03:
Plan Your Movie

Once you get the money for your movie, the next phase is pre-production. You will build a team of talented collaborators, so you can delegate production elements from prep through production.

Module 04:
Produce Your Movie

When it comes to production, you need a plan. In this lesson you’ll find out how to create a production plan that includes cast, crew, locations and all the other elements that goes into making a film.

Module 05:
Edit Your Movie

Editing is the final rewrite for your film. Sometimes a simple change to a scene can have a huge impact on your movie. Discover best practices for working with an editor and what to do when your film is finished.

Module 06:
Sell Your Movie

Movie distribution is changing. When it comes to selling your film, you will want to know which sales agents and distributors would be the correct fit for your movie. Discover the secrets for selling your movie

Click Here for more information!!

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Dedication of Altar and Athame

Dedication of Altar and Athame

Durwydd MacTara (1990)


This Altar in the circle’s centre,
A focal point that only good may enter.

Erected to God and Goddess in strength,
Circular, it has neither breadth nor length.

Focal point in A Circle of Power,
A mighty lens for every Tower!

Sacred to Lord, Maiden, Lady and Crone,
The foundation of many a powerful Cone!

Resting Place of Magick and its implements,
Let veneration and Love be our only sentiments!

A tool of will, powerful and free,
As it is willed, So Mote it Be!


Mighty Deities, Gracious Lady and Mighty Lord,
As I perform this ritual, Pray hearken to my word.

This tool, conceived in Mind of Air, (point east)
Forged and formed in Fire of the South, (point south)
Power tool for those who dare,
I CLAIM thee with my mouth! (kiss blade)

Tempered with Water for Strength, (point west)
Also dedicated to the Earth, in Power. (point north)
Blessed be, entire in length, (kiss pommel)
As it partakes of every Tower!

By the Power of Cosmos, As above, (point up)
The Expression of Cosmos, is below. (point down)
Upon this instrument of Will and Love,
My Sacred Tie I bestow! (1 drop of blood on each side and hilt)

This tool is dedicated to my service of Lady and Lord,
Please find this work beneficial and good.
Bound to thee by homage, decimation, effort and word,
Bound to me by words, will and blood.

By the powers of earth, sky, star and sea;
Such is my will, So mote it be!

4 Ways to Heal Using Divine Energy

This article was written by Douglas De Long
posted under Health & Healing

The Gospels of the New Testament, written records, mention several women as being associated with Jesus. Along with Mother Mary, there was Mary Magdalene. She worked as an energy healer and herbalist. She was not a prostitute as the Gospels wrongly portrayed her. She was closely associated with Jesus, who trained her in the ancient mysteries. Mary Magdalene used her secret knowledge and gifts and became a wonderful healer.

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Witch’s Sight Powder

This is an ideal powder to scatter when meditating or practicing divination, such as tarot or scrying.

Combine juniper, sandlewood, patchouli, and cinnamon. Smells great!

Always remember to visualize your purpose while grinding to “charge” the powder

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Ostara Sabbat Ritual by Rhiana Moonstar

This Sabbat recognizes the start of spring, and celebrates the Goddess, once again in her maiden aspect.
This Sabbat is a time for fertility rituals, and the cutting of spring’s first blossoms. The altar and the circle should be decorated with a variety of fresh flowers. Set up the altar with your usual tools, including a green potted plant, and the cauldron placed somewhere in the circle. The cauldron may be filled with fresh water and floating flowers. Light the altar candles and the incense, and cast the sacred circle. Invoke the God and the Goddess. Kneel before the altar, facing East, and gaze at the plant. Recognize it not only as a plant, but as a symbol of the awakening earth. Say:

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Boswellia carteri
This essential oil is extracted from the gum resin of the bark of the frankincense tree. Its aroma is warm, rich, and slightly lemony. Most people recognize the scent of the oil from smelling incense and remember the biblical story of the three kings offering frankincense to the baby Jesus. The use of this oil dates back more than 4000 years. Both calming and uplifting, it brings reassurance and aids meditation. Frankincense has a powerful effect in clearing lung and nasal passages and can ease shortness of breath. It is also useful for sore throats and strengthening the immune system. In skin care, the oil has an anti-inflammatory effect making it an ideal choice for mature and dry skin.

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The Nature and Use of Thralls

Just what is a Thrall?

A thrall is a euphemistic term for a mindless or will-less servitor-creation. When
you think of this, consider what Baron von Frankenstein achieved. The creation is
composed of either a single or composition of elements and then animated by
the power of the sorcerer. A thrall is single purposed and has no will of its own
and so it cannot think or ‘act’ on its own but rather it is programmed to ‘react’
when a given set circumstances happen.

Continue reading “The Nature and Use of Thralls”

BERGAMOT MINT: (Mentha x piperita ‘citrata’)

This herb is sometimes confused with the Citrus of the same name. Bee Balm is also called bergamot at times. This is a bairless mint with thin smooth leaves and purple runners, it has purplish flowers. In full sun it develops a strong citrus scent and the whole plant is tinged purple. In shade the color is more coppery. Use it as an aromatic herb in potpourri or to make a honey-sweetened drink. The flavor is not so good for cooking. Also called Eau De Cologne Mint.

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If there were an essence assigned to address wimpiness, centaury might very well be it. This is for animals who are so unsure about their own identity-and so unwilling to assert their needs and desires-that they kowtow to and obey those more powerful than they, even though it’s not in their best interests.

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