
To find out how long you will live, blow the seeds off the head of a dandelion. You will live as many years as there are seeds left on the head. To tell the time: blow three times at the seed head. The number left is the hour. The root, when dried, roasted and ground like coffee, is used to make a tea. This infusion will promote psychic powers. This same tea, steaming and placed beside the bed, will call spirits. To send a message to a loved one, blow at the seed head in his or her direction and visualize your message. Dandelion, buried in the northwest corner of the house, brings favorable winds.

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Larrea tridentata
Chaparral refers broadly to any dense thicket of shrubs or dwarf trees. More specifically, in recent herbal literature, it designates the leaflets of Larrea tridentata (Sesse & Moc.) Coville, a name considered by modern authors to be synonymous with L. divaricata Cav. and L. mexicana Moric. This strong-scented, olive green bush of the family ygophyllaceae is the dominant shrub in the desert regions of the southwestern United States and Mexico. Better-known common names of the plant are creosote bush and greasewood.
An aqueous extract of the leaves and twigs, so-called chaparral tea, is an old Indian remedy and has been used for a wide variety of ailments, including arthritis, cancer, venereal disease, tuberculosis, bowel cramps, rheumatism, and colds. Chaparral is said to possess analgesic, expectorant, emetic, diuretic, and anti-inflammatory properties.

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Caffeine, found naturally in coffee, tea, and chocolate, and as an additive in soft drinks and various medicinal remedies, is the most popular drug in the world. Caffeine a drug? Most people recognize two types of drugs. The first type includes chemicals such as aspirin and penicillin that can be purchased at the drugstore and are used to treat illnesses. And the second type includes substances such as heroin, cocaine, nicotine, and alcohol that people take to relax, to invigorate themselves, or to escape from reality.

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