
Coffea cruda syn. C. arabica
Coffee – imagine a sunny day in the distant past – perhaps a thousand years ago, perhaps much longer. A band of African warriors enters a damp highland forest, dense with the glossy undergrowth of 12- to 15 – foot-high broadleaved evergreens. Clustered at the leaf axils of these shrub like trees are rounded, deep red berries, no larger than the first joint of a man’s little finger. The men know that something in the berries helps them to perform great feats of strength and bravery, and so they pluck a large supply of the berries to chew in preparation for the battle that lies ahead.

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Caffeine, found naturally in coffee, tea, and chocolate, and as an additive in soft drinks and various medicinal remedies, is the most popular drug in the world. Caffeine a drug? Most people recognize two types of drugs. The first type includes chemicals such as aspirin and penicillin that can be purchased at the drugstore and are used to treat illnesses. And the second type includes substances such as heroin, cocaine, nicotine, and alcohol that people take to relax, to invigorate themselves, or to escape from reality.

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Coffea cruda (Coffee)

by Anja Heij

Coffee increases the activity and sensitivity of the nervous system and drinking too much coffee causes agitation and sleeplessness.
Homeopathy uses raw coffee in potentiated form to calm down a state of over-sensitiveness of the senses and nervous excitement.

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