A Cat Spell For Spiritual Growth

© 1998 by D. J. Conway

Sometimes in our busy lives we get too caught up in the everyday cycle of life and we forget our spirituality. In the absence of our mysticism we forget the guidance, support and general well being that spirituality provides for us and lose track of what is important to us. The following is a cat spell for spiritual growth. Let the magickal cat remind us of our spiritual path and help us to regain the sight in which we see it.  Spiritual growth isn’t a one-time “I’ve got it” proposition. Ideally, it is a continuous, upward spiral of knowledge-seeking which never ends. Sometimes a metaphorical light will come on, and we will understand a single spiritual point with great clarity. Most of the time, however, we have to plod along, step by step, sweating for everything we learn. What we can learn through patience and perseverance usually lasts the longest. Here’s a cat spell that will help:
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10 Quick Debt-Busting Tips

By: Colin Mc Caig

Are you really frustrated?
Does it sometimes seem like the dollars are slipping through your fingers while the bills just seem to keep mounting up?
It’s a familiar feeling for many of us nowadays.
Sometimes, though, like most things in life, taking a step back from it all and starting to get some simple things right can make a huge difference on the big picture.
If your debts have been getting you down recently, here are 10 great ways to start slashing them today:

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Self-Hypnosis: The Key To Self-Empowerment

This article was written by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke  posted under Self-Help


Sometimes it is difficult to know and understand our “Self.” We think we know who we are, but then things happen and you wonder, “Why did I do that?” “Why did I say that?” “How could that happen to me?” “How did I know that?” “How could I have done that?”

But these are minor questions compared to the very idea that the “Self” may be bigger and more comprehensive that the “I” you identify with.

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Aconitum napellus

by Anja Heij

Aconite is a remedy for healthy and energetic persons who become acutely ill after:
· exposure to intense coldness
· exposure to cold, dry wind
· sometimes exposure to intense heat
· draughts of cold air on a sweaty skin
· nervous shocks, fright or fear
· the shock of birth (in babies).

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Goddess of the Sea

by Dr Alena Trckova-Flamee, Ph.D.

The Goddess of the Sea or Mistress of the Fishes has a very old origin in the Greek tradition. She appears already in the iconography of the Minoan and Mycenaean art, sometimes called by the scholars the Goddess of the Navigation or the Mother and Mistress of the sea creatures, a counterpart of the Mistress of the Animals. The shrines dedicated to the Sea Goddess existed in the Minoan seashore, where her religious cult and the marine festivals were probably celebrated. There is also a suggestion about a sea-journeying goddess in the boat with a shrine, who was represented on the Minoan golden rings. According to some hypotheses this traveling goddess had to give a divine protection around the whole Creta island.

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