A Cat Spell For Spiritual Growth

© 1998 by D. J. Conway

Sometimes in our busy lives we get too caught up in the everyday cycle of life and we forget our spirituality. In the absence of our mysticism we forget the guidance, support and general well being that spirituality provides for us and lose track of what is important to us. The following is a cat spell for spiritual growth. Let the magickal cat remind us of our spiritual path and help us to regain the sight in which we see it.  Spiritual growth isn’t a one-time “I’ve got it” proposition. Ideally, it is a continuous, upward spiral of knowledge-seeking which never ends. Sometimes a metaphorical light will come on, and we will understand a single spiritual point with great clarity. Most of the time, however, we have to plod along, step by step, sweating for everything we learn. What we can learn through patience and perseverance usually lasts the longest. Here’s a cat spell that will help:
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August Moon


August Full Moon~Barley Moon
August 9, 2006, 6:54 am EST

This Moon is also known by the following names

Moon of the Green Corn, Sturgeon Moon, Dog Day Moon (Colonial American Name), Harvest Moon (Chinese), Fruit Moon (Cherokee), Women’s Moon (Choctaw), Moon When All Things Ripen (Dakota Sioux), Dispute Moon (Celtic), Corn Moon (English Medieval), Lightning Moon (Neo Pagan), The Barley Moon also signifies harvest, but Her message is much different than that of the Wort Moon:  It heralds the reaping of grain fields.  This is important to the Witch because grain holds the mysteries and cycles of life, death, and rebirth within its core.  Each kernel is the product of the first grain ever grown.  And yet this life renews itself every year to lend its energy and nourish our bodies.  There is little else on Earth more ancient or powerful.

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