No Pagan Parents Allowed (A “Paganalia” Exclusive Report) by Dian Firebearer Mueller

You be the judge: A Pagan woman who works as a Chapter 13 bankruptcy assistant for a law firm wants to regain custody of her 9-year-old son. Her ex-husband is in jail on a $700,000 bond for solicitation of capital murder of his second ex-wife. Seems like a no-brainer, doesn’t it? Well, Judge Philip Warner in Houston, TX, summarily denied Erin Echels Scott continued temporary sole conservatorship on Apr 10.

Continue reading “No Pagan Parents Allowed (A “Paganalia” Exclusive Report) by Dian Firebearer Mueller”

10 Quick Debt-Busting Tips

By: Colin Mc Caig

Are you really frustrated?
Does it sometimes seem like the dollars are slipping through your fingers while the bills just seem to keep mounting up?
It’s a familiar feeling for many of us nowadays.
Sometimes, though, like most things in life, taking a step back from it all and starting to get some simple things right can make a huge difference on the big picture.
If your debts have been getting you down recently, here are 10 great ways to start slashing them today:

Continue reading “10 Quick Debt-Busting Tips”


Gallons: 10
21 pounds, pale malt (adjust to get specified O.G.)
2 pounds, crystal malt (40L), added in mashout
1 pound, cara-pils
1 pound, wheat malt
3 ounces, Tettnanger hops (4.5% alpha)
1 ounce, Perle hops (7.6% alpha)
2 ounces, Cascade hops (dry hop)
1 teaspoon, gypsum (in mash)
2 teaspoons, Irish moss (last 15 minutes of boil)
Wyeast #2206 lager yeast

Continue reading “SAM ATOMS”