Element of water
The winter season
The potency of God
Favorite day: Monday
Presides over paradise
Invoked towards the west
Love is her great force factor
Rules west quarter of the earth
The colors of emerald and sea green

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The summer season
Angel of the night
Element of earth
Rules North quarter of the earth
Seed is in the earth and all is dark
Helps us contemplate the future
The color white and all earth tones
Winter colors: black, brown, gray
Astrological signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn

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Dragon Planetary Correspondences

Rules: The conscious will, energy, life, joy, success, advancement, leadership, natural
power, friendship, growth, healing, light, abundance
Day: Sunday
Element: Fire
Magickal Tool: Scepter
Colour: Yellow or gold Metal: Gold
Zodiac: Leo
Stones: Zircon, jacinth, goldstone, topaz, yellow diamond, chrysoleth
Oils: Bay laurel, cinnamon, clove, frankincense, ginger, patchouli, rosemary, styrax
Incense: Cloves, cinnamon, frankincense, laurel, myrrh
Plants: Acacia, bay laurel, Benzoin, cassia, chamomile, sweet cicely, cinnamon, clove,
frankincense, ginger, juniper, mastic, myrrh, oak, patchouli, rosemary, storax

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Natural Element Corrispondence

Direction : East
Rules : The mind, knowledge, abstract learning, theory, imagination, ideas, beliefs, beginnings, rebirth
Elemental : Sprites
Time : Dawn
Season : Spring
Colors : Yellow, white, pastels
Tools : Athame, sword, censor
Zodiac : Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Animals : Birds, Gryphons
Places : Windswept hills, high mountain peaks, towers

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Zodiac Descriptions


Rules – head
I am

The process of building a personality, self-centred, self-directed, leader, pioneer, courage, executive, energetic, impatient, need to learn coordination, completion and conservation, often has headaches from a failure to relax, negative attributes are arrogance and the need to dominate
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