Enochian Tarot by Gerald and Betty Scheuler

Most people use the Tarot for divination . This was apparently the main use applied by the Gypsies . Another common use was for entertainment. In this form, the Tarot was used as a game, possibly a game of chance like modern poker and other card games. However, a deeper and more profound use was discovered by a few others. These were seekers after truth. They were people who struggled to learn about themselves and the world around them. For them, the Tarot was not a game but a mirror into which they could see themselves.
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5 Easy Ways to “Walk Your Talk”

This article was written by Deborah Blake
posted under Pagan

Most of us would agree that there is more to being a Witch than celebrating the Sabbats or casting a spell under the full moon. That being said, many modern Pagans struggle to find ways to integrate their spiritual beliefs with their busy and often stressful mundane lives. Work, family, significant others, and all the responsibilities that come with everyday survival can make it difficult to carve out time and space to focus on the spiritual.
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The ability to find people, artefacts or substances by use of maps, pictures or physically being in a place are currently the most popular applications of Dowsing. Most dowsers use two ‘dowsing rods’ and/or a pendulum. The rods, traditionally known as ‘Wishing Rods’, are formed into an L shape and are usually made of copper although the oldest known material was wood, usually forked Hazel branches along with Apple, Beech and Alder. (It is said that metal coat hangers work just as well!). One rod is held in each hand and you have located what it is you are looking for when the rods cross.

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Caffeine, found naturally in coffee, tea, and chocolate, and as an additive in soft drinks and various medicinal remedies, is the most popular drug in the world. Caffeine a drug? Most people recognize two types of drugs. The first type includes chemicals such as aspirin and penicillin that can be purchased at the drugstore and are used to treat illnesses. And the second type includes substances such as heroin, cocaine, nicotine, and alcohol that people take to relax, to invigorate themselves, or to escape from reality.

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A Witch’s Thoughts on Halloween

Most people celebrate Halloween as a children’s holiday of candy and costumes.  However, I will be celebrating tonight as Samhain (“Sow-wen”), the Celtic New Year, the night for remembering loved ones past and looking toward the future. For I am a Neo-pagan, a follower of the Old Religion, a Wiccan.  I am a Witch.

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by Anja Heij

Most homoeopatic books describe the metal Platinum as mainly a remedy for women. I myself know several male Platinums, and I would like to start this homoeopatic picture with one of them:
Mr. K. Birkenstock, manufacturer of healthy hippie-sandals, dismissed in 1975 150 of his 1700 employees, because they dared to ask for better working-conditions. These 150 employees were all active members of a trade union, requesting equal payment for men and women. Mr. Birkenstock wrote them this: ” You will all quite rightly be treated as lepers and despised. And that is the least thing that should be done right here. With your incorrect, disgusting behaviour you have placed yourself outside the community.” Once when the press asked who had bought his sandals, the manufacturer effortless named a number of prominent persons: “Boris Becker, Steffi Graf, Madonna, Bill Clinton, Norman Schwarzkopf, Clint Eastwood…”

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There are some definite misconceptions expressed here on Alchemy.

Alchemy is not about transmuting lead into gold (that was, at the most, a test on your elixir), it does not involve using electricity, it is not part of tantric.

One of the problems involved is that people get a tradition that they don’t understand and misuse the term until it loses almost all of its original meaning.

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