Norse Religion, or Heathenry, is the modern-day practice of the ancient tribal belief systems of the Northern European peoples; the Teutons (continental Germanic tribes ) and the Norse ( Scandinavian and Gothic tribes ).  Although their deities were pretty much the same, they were pronounced differently among the various tribes.  Thus you have Odin among the Norse, and Wotan or Wodan among the Teutons; Thor or Thonar among the Norse, and Donar or Donner among the Teutons. There are several different modern practices of Heathenry.  The main religious tradition is known as Asatru, meaning ‘loyalty or troth to the Gods.’

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Getting Up Again – A Story of Healing with Phosphorus and nacardium

by Anja Heij

Hope for the future gives life color and meaning. Having a body you can rely on is very important. In many cases the condition of the temple of our soul is a major key to happiness. And what makes healing so satisfactory is that the restoration of health leads to the restoration of hope and lust for life; the sun starts shining again.

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There are some definite misconceptions expressed here on Alchemy.

Alchemy is not about transmuting lead into gold (that was, at the most, a test on your elixir), it does not involve using electricity, it is not part of tantric.

One of the problems involved is that people get a tradition that they don’t understand and misuse the term until it loses almost all of its original meaning.

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