There are some definite misconceptions expressed here on Alchemy.

Alchemy is not about transmuting lead into gold (that was, at the most, a test on your elixir), it does not involve using electricity, it is not part of tantric.

One of the problems involved is that people get a tradition that they don’t understand and misuse the term until it loses almost all of its original meaning.

Alchemy is a spiritual experience that is a combination of two things, the transmutation of the workers spirit with the transmutation of physical substances (which creates the Elixir of Life).

While in the broad sense that Alchemy is a transmutation, it has no part in Tantric.

The physical and metaphysical process has always been described in allegories, hence the confusion of work with metals.

In order to practice alchemy today, you need to read only about 2 or 3 good books on the subject “Gold of a Thousand Mornings” is a non-fiction book describing alchemy by a  man/wife team in France. It dwells on both the spiritual and physical aspects and describes the work that they did.

“An Alchemists Handbook” has a brief description of the meaning and the “Great Work” (as it is called), and gives you in great detail how to do the physical work.

In order for alchemy to work, you need to do both at the same time as you need self transformation to work in order for the physical transformation to work.

The chemical side of work delves mainly into herbs, and if you use herbs in your regular work, then you will have real use with alchemy.

In the chemical aspect, the herb’s essence is extracted (the gold from the dross), as well as yourself (your essence is purified). To do so, you usually need chemical glassware such as a condenser, or soylent extractor. This is a typical operation when making perfume from flowers or making an herbal extraction. The main difference is that the extraction takes place with a magical bent to it. Rituals are done during the extraction process, timing is essential (astrological, lunar, and solar, and seasonal timing) .

So, since you may already be familiar with blessing and consecration of magical tools, and putting power into them, a very similar thing is done to yourself (a human vessel) and your herbal product during the alchemical process.

Also, there are two existing alchemical schools, one in France, one in Utah (of all places!)
If you already use herbs in your other work, following this process will net you much more powerful herbal concoctions as well as a more powerful and spiritual self.

I myself use the process. One of the aspects in alchemy is that one gathers certain herbs, minerals to produce an elixir that will extend life (as one of its benefits). But before ingesting it, an alchemist would sometimes test it by adding a pinch of it to lead, and if it turned into gold, then your elixir is finished and can be used.

However, turning lead into gold was never the end product for the work, but merely a test. You can make other useful herbal/concoctions without achieving the ‘Elixir of Life.’ Since alchemy is non-denominational, it can be used with practically any tradition.
The source of the word Alchemy has had a lot of discussion among alchemical writers and alchemists. Although alchemy did eventually become chemistry, the origin of the word did not. The most agreed upon definition of the term Alchemy is this: Al (arab word meaning THE) Khemia; meaning Egypt, which comes from the ancient Egyptian word for Egypt meaning “black land” thus: The Black Land since Alchemy does originate in Egypt, it makes sense.


The first alchemical work is called the Emerald Tablet, written by Thoth, or Hermes Trismigistos.
The father of alchemy is Zoismos, an Egyptian.

The mother of alchemy is Marie, the Egyptian, who describes in her works the actual equipment used. (the only person who does!!!!).


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Author: Wendy K. Engela

I am always ready to answer questions about my marketing business or writing... All you need to know about me is on my websites.

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