making a connection

joining with another
celebrating a marriage or union
cementing a friendship
establishing a partnership
working together
helping and being helped
seeing commonalities

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*Relief from Anxiety
*Aquamarine is a blue green beryl that occurs throughout most of the world. It is a lovely stone with a gentle vibration most beneficial for helping the timid quietly change their inner landscape. It is a wonderful stone for lovers, and may be the most appropriate gift for a groom to present his bride on their wedding day since it is believed to promote a happy and harmonious union.

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by Brian Edward Rise

Duke of Cornwall and husband of Arthur‘s mother, Ygerna. First appearing in Geoffrey of Monmouth, we are told of King Uther’s lust for the duke’s wife. The duke barricades Ygerna in the fortress of Tintagel as he goes to the field to do battle with Uther. However, Merlin has transformed Uther into the likeness of the Duke and the king walks into the fortress and has sex with Ygerna as her husband dies on the battlefield. Arthur was conceived at this union. Gorlois is also the father of Arthur’s half-sisters Morgause, Elaine and Morgan.


by Anja Heij

Most homoeopatic books describe the metal Platinum as mainly a remedy for women. I myself know several male Platinums, and I would like to start this homoeopatic picture with one of them:
Mr. K. Birkenstock, manufacturer of healthy hippie-sandals, dismissed in 1975 150 of his 1700 employees, because they dared to ask for better working-conditions. These 150 employees were all active members of a trade union, requesting equal payment for men and women. Mr. Birkenstock wrote them this: ” You will all quite rightly be treated as lepers and despised. And that is the least thing that should be done right here. With your incorrect, disgusting behaviour you have placed yourself outside the community.” Once when the press asked who had bought his sandals, the manufacturer effortless named a number of prominent persons: “Boris Becker, Steffi Graf, Madonna, Bill Clinton, Norman Schwarzkopf, Clint Eastwood…”

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