making a connection

joining with another
celebrating a marriage or union
cementing a friendship
establishing a partnership
working together
helping and being helped
seeing commonalities

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It is naturally magnetic, one of its prime magickal uses is for attraction. Attraction of just about anything. One lodestone on the altar can be used for attraction of positive things, while a second one can be used to repel negative items. It is a power stone, and can be used to strengthen any spell. Also can be used to draw illness from the body. Very protective stone, due to its magnetic nature.

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Venus – The Sweet Goddess of Love

by Anja Heij

A soft, tender world in which we intimately relate to the persons and objects we love, a world where rejection is replaced by an over-flowing river of attention and attraction, a world full of beauty and harmony. The confirmation that you are okay, the knowingness that you are beautiful, the sensual connection with a lover, a flower, a pet, or the embrace of a tree, the thrill of a great piece of art, the temptation of tasty food and sweets, the seduction of a lover, the joy of dance and laughter, and the relaxation of a massage, these are the realms of Venus.

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