Garnet  (Red):

Strengthens, purifies, vitalizes and regenerates bodily systems, especially the bloodstream.  Has strong affinity with root chakra, helping to harmonize the  potent  forces  of  the kundalini.  Stimulates  pituitary gland. Aligns subtle bodies.

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A  variety  of  chalcedony.  Strengthens  and  oxygenates bloodstream. Enhances  physical/mental  vitality.  Strengthens heart,   spleen,   bone   marrow.   Aids   in   balancing  iron deficiencies.  Reduces   emotional/mental   stress.   Powerful physical  healer. Stimulates movement of kundalini. Links root chakra with  heart.  Inner  guidance,  altruism,  idealism.  A highly evolved mineral.  (1,4)



by Anodea Judith

What is this strange and mysterious Goddess force?
I like to think of Kundalini with a metaphor of connecting gears. In an undeveloped person, the chakras are likely to be small. Each one is spinning in its relative place, but the spinning of one does not necessarily affect the spinning of another. As the chakras grow through the capacity to handle increased energy, they are more likely to touch each other and thereby stimulate the spinning of a chakra above or below. When this occurs, we feel an increased rush of energy and awareness throughout our whole system. We experience the Kundalini force.

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